Thursday, May 21, 2015

Black Lives Matter by Black King Lyfe Allah

Within the last few moons all across Amerikkka there were these signs that stated "Black Lives Matter". These signs are in response to the blantant murder of Blackmen by police. The latest death of an unarmed Blackman, Freddy Gray, in Baltimore, Maryland, has resulted looting of stores and rocks being thrown at officers. Now some people say that response is an official reaction to the death of the brother. IT IS NOT! The individuals responsible for the death of Freddy Gray did not suffer in any way from this rock throwing or looting. Thus, there was no JUSTICE served. 
Even with the protesting all across Amerikkka, this is not doing ANYTHING to bring about justice for the deaths of the many Blackmen being killed by the cops. Nor is it preventing other Original men from death by hand of police (hence Freddy Gray). So I ask all you people with these "Black Lives Matter" signs: TO WHOM? 
Now please do not get it twisted, I am not insensitive to the issue of our brothers (& sisters) being caught up in the web of slavery, suffering and death ... Especially by hand of those that are suppose to protect, according to their job description. I am neither advocating that we do nothing about these problems. No, not at all! 
My question of to whom does Black Lives Matter is geared to get YOU (those protesting and looting) to think about who truly care about our lives. Yes, that is right ... US! Black Lives Matter to Black lives! So, what is looting, rioting, throwing rocks, protesting, et cetera doing to help our cause of survival? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Look at the brother, Michael Brown's, situation in Ferguson, Missourri ... All the violence exhibited there did not prevent the cops from killing any other Blackm the protest after protest after protest all across Amerikkka. 
I trust you are asking me what IS the solution. Well, according to my understanding, we need to educate self (in the collective sense), and place our self in the positions of power. Who is teaching your child, and what is your child being taught? Do you really know? Or do you just send them off to school, after school programs, sporting activities, et cetera and "hope" that they come out alright? Do their lives matter? Then why not do everything in your power to ensure the longevity of these lives? 
By education I mean the process of properly teaching them all that they will need to know to survive in the wilderness of North Amerikkka, as Blackmen and Blackwomen. This includes the knowledge of their true history (when we were great as a people), academics, vocational training, the law of the land (and world), economics, et cetera. 
This education should not start when we are being lynched in the streets of our communities (because that is what is happening - just as the law is killing us now, and getting away with it - the law use to hang us on trees and get away with it). It should begin before this tragedy. By waiting until it affects you personally is like a prisoner waiting until he is home to decide what he is going to do as a member of society, as oppose to planning the entire time he was incarcerated. Or like one of you waiting until you become HIV positive before you decide to take the appropriate precautions. It is just foolish people. So sit with your family (especially the males) and speak to them about the reality of possibly being lynched in the streets of ghetto Amerikkka. Because BLACK LIVES DO MATTER!
Also, for the lyfe of us all, please do not look to the same ones that are murdering us for any relief or aid! They will continue to only assist their own kind. As we should, and not just by walking in the streets, stopping traffic, to carry signs and chant. No, by doing something more productive and/or preventative. NOTE: To all you brothers and sisters that think violence (in the form of killing, beating, destroying, or hurting other people [especially those responsible for our deaths] or property) is the answer ... With what army are you going to do that with. Because these folks that have the ability to lynch us and get away with it in 2015, also have access to a military force compared to none other. So I suggest you hold off on that idea until you have an outfit qualified to take on such power. And to those "gangstas" with the weaponry of a small army: Are you willing to also kill those that you are suppose to be fighting for? Because these are going to be the one that come to court and testify against you. Therefore, the first step to fighting this war, on any level, is education. The people must be educated before the warriors can go to war. Think about that!

Peace ... I love you Black people!

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Powerful Easter by Black King Lyfe Allah

Today's Mathematics is Power, and today also happens to be Easter. Which is the celebration of Jesus resurrecting from the dead. Now, those of you that know me, realize I live to build on things like this. So, shall we begin? Let's get it! 
Power is the mathematical principle associated with the number five. When I travel through my 120 Lessons I see that the Knowledge God degree of the Nation's Cipher lesson (1-40's) has power (five) elements that must be acquired in order for one to have civilization:
Now once one possess these principles of universal existence, & is NOT a savage in the pursuit of happiness, it is said they have civilization. Many Christians are celebrating the science of civilization without any knowledge or understanding of this reality. You cee, Jesus DID NOT physically rise from the dead, that is an IMPOSSIBLE feat. However, with understanding one may come to the realization of this biblical allegorical story. Jesus is within us, because Jesus is the personification of Freedom, Justice & Equality. Meaning we all have the potential to free our domes (Freedom), be just in our ways & actions (Justice), as well as bring about a balance in our lives (Equality). However, growing up within the Devil's uncivilization for so long, we have (figuretively) killed & buried Jesus (our ability to think freely, be fair, and equalize our ciphers). Which have made us an uncivilized people. 
For us to return to our state of civilization, we must first attain the true Knowledge of who/what God is. Only then can we Knowledge every aspect of our universe(s), be Wise in our application of said knowledge, born an Understanding of what is really going on around us, live out a Culture of righteous in accordance to what is needed within our circumference, and Refine all elements necessary. Thus eliminating the potential of being a savage in the pursuit of happiness.
This my brothers & sisters, is the science of resurrecting Jesus. So basicly go out to the truthbury (library - where the truth is buried) and begin your journey of civilization by doing the knowledge to God, self & all things in existence. That is how you attain your Power (ability or strength), because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - With knowledge, one has the ability, or strength, to manifest this knowledge. Thus, once you know the reality of God, self & everything within your universe, you will possess the ability, or strength, to resurrect Jesus within your lyfe.

Then you will really be Fly for Easter. ; / ) Peace to man, woman & child.

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452