Friday, July 24, 2015

Soul Sister by Richard Wilson

Men greater than myself have given me the edge and answer to this question:
Perhaps it goes unnoticed by most men that women are more in touch with their feelings, their body and their emotions in ways men rarely imagine. Her breath, her heartbeat, her hair, the food she eats and everything that is her. By comparison men's sensations are vague and muffled. That women are so in tune, so aware of their physical self, reflects how perceptive they are and how their every move is suggestive. I know her abnormal sensitivity allows her body to exist more for her than my body does for me. Men are hardly aware of possessing their body except in extreme pleasure or pain. Standing in between two worlds, the physical and the spiritual, there is a part of myself that I identify as "I". The "I" acts as a conduit allowing these separate worlds to interact with each other. For men, this interaction is completely mechanical, but women are always having their attention claimed by the surrealness of what's happening inside of themselves. She is always aware of her body as that which stands between her and the rest of the world. She is always in the habit of noticing, and for all of herself that she gives away to men, it still remains that her body is the closest object to her. A miracle would be if I could move her closer to me. The definition of miracle to me is different than that of magic, because it presents in a world of cause and effect a radical sense of being united against the logic of which weapons of thought are shattered and manifest unexplainable phenomenoms. Whereas magic employs forces that are hidden, but can be explained away without the sudden cease of rational thinking. For so long woman has lived in man's shadow becoming just as much as his past as he is. I wonder if you will ever move from that past, and coming from that past will you be able to project yourself in openness towards your future and understand your true importance? The truth of what attracts me to you is not just because you are in possession of a woman's body, but because your body is my SOUL!!!