Friday, April 3, 2015

Homophobia by Black King Lyfe Allah

In the media these days, they (the powers that be - 10%) would like us to think that there is something wrong with being against homosexuality. Some homosexuals have even attempted to equate it to the Civil Rights Movement, in which Blacks were seeking equal rights. Or the Feminist Movement, where females were striving to obtain equality. There is no comparison in my mind. Because the Blackman in the Original man; he was here before the white man, & he is a xenophilic creature ... meaning he is open to & encourages relationships (not necessarily intimate ones) with others outside of their ethnicity. Go look the word up (xenophilia). Being xenophilia is the innate, natural way of the Black people of the planet Earth. 
Women on the other hand, are the counterpart to men. Without these wonderful creatures, none of us would be here today. So I say all that to say this: Both the Blackman's & women's struggle for equality is justified in my opinion. Both fights can be accepted because of the natural facts associated with each group. There is NOTHING natural about having sex with someone that has the same equipment as you. It is even written in the same book these 10%ers strive to beat us in the head with; the Bible. [Read the following scriptures: Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26 & 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 10; & Jude 7] 
Yet & still we have the media bombarding us with images, messages & ideologies of homosexuality. Look at who has become the new "Oprah" of day time talk shows: Ellen; an open homosexual that gives gifts away to other women all the time. She even has the support of the real Oprah. I have never watched an episode of Ellen & seen her give anything to a man. A boy, yes. A grown ass man, No! Have you? (Maybe you seen an episode I did not.) What is this teaching our children, subconsciously? 
What would you say is the best new show on television right now, although it is not currently in season (which you can not wait for it to come back into season)? That's right ... EMPIRE! Now, another question: Do you despise Luscious for treating Jamal the way he did & does (& were you not surprised when he left the reins to Jamal)? So in essence you are feeling sorry for a homo, right? You probably on team Cookie too, talking about how "gangsta" she is ... B.u.t GANGSTAS DON'T SNITCH (under ANY circumstances)!!! 
Back to the build & destroy: Damn near every show on television has it's homosexual element to it. Empire started us off with it's element. Others have slowly b.u.t surely slid it in there (no pun intended). So I ask you, are you disgusted with me because of this essay? If so, then you either a homo, confused, or curious (on the verge of being homo). B.u.t you should build with me before you judge me, or how I cee this topic. For example: Do you realize that I do not have a problem with the people that partake in this activity (per se), my grievance is the activity in itself is UNNATURAL!! It does nothing b.u.t satisfy one's lowest desires (commonly called urges)! It does not produce any lyfe, because Allah did not design it in that fashion. The "lyfe" that one may think it produce (i.e. relationships, families, et cetera) is simply prolonged death. 
What's that you said: Oh, what if two women wanted to have sexual relations in front of me, would I not get excited? Probably so, because I personally have not reached my highest plateau. However, I realize this reality about self. Also, I will assure you this though: I will not encourage the act of two homo women having relations (in my presence or not). Even though I will not look away if I happen to see it on television. 
Y'all trying to get me in trouble with my Earth, I'm ghost. B.u.t before I go, allow me to say this: I had no intentions to offend anyone. To each is own. I simply wanted to start discussions about the resources & objective of the 10%ers, through the science of homosexuality. So PLEASE, get to building & destroying with those you love, ESPECIALLY YOUR CHILDREN!! Peace. 

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

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