Friday, January 30, 2015


Peace to Man, Woman & Child,

Today's mathematics is Power/Refinement. I cee that as the answer to the debate of the other day here on this page: Do wise elevators teach savages? It has been brought to my attention that one of our family members has an understanding that we do not teach the savages. By teaching a person civilization, righteousness, knowledge of self, the science of everything in lyfe - love, peace & happiness ... is to bless said person with the ability (power) to better self, their family, community, & nation. Through the process of discipline (refinement). 
So, do we teach the savages? Well, what is meant by the word "teach"? If it is to make knowledge born through sharing your thoughts, opinions & ideas via your words, methods & activities ... I say cool! Born universal truth (b.u.t) if we are speaking of the process of enlightening another, well, then the dynamics change. How so? Because I will not enlighten "anyone", everyone is not qualified to become teachers of teachers. For example: Should a he(r) cipher monkey cipher (homo) asked me to enlighten them, I will say emphatically now cipher (Hell no)!
What is the difference? By teaching, I am simply making knowledge born to the truths of the universe. B.u.t by enlightening, I-King am borning another that will be responsible for the rest of the uncivilized (blind, deaf & dumb - those that are easily led in the wrong direction, & hard to be led in the right direction). I do not want to give just anyone that kind of POWER. Actually, I am only comfortable blessing those that show & prove to be serious about the process of REFINEMENT. 
We must always be aware of the fact that we are dealing with high explosives ... & who do we want to past these explosives on to? A he(r) cipher monkey cipher? Or anyone that will not take the time to be careful when utilizing these high explosives? Emphatically now cipher!!!! Why did Musa have a hard time civilizing the Devil? Because he tried to enlighten them first, then he had to return home & receive more education. This is explained in the bible when he says to God that he does not think he is qualified to deliver his people. B.u.t once he went back, he did not strive to enlighten the Devils, he simply taught them how to live a respectable lyfe, how to build a home for themselves, & some of the forgotten tricknowledge that Yakub had taught them. When enlightening a person, do we teach them tricknowledge? Do you cee me?
Now, we also know that we are to teach "all the human families of the planet Earth". I want to present a thought for everyone: What if Father Allah did not teach any savages? Would we be on this page right now? Would we be representing the power point star, cresent moon, God, or eight point star? Would we be saying Peace to all that we come in time with? Would we call ourselves Gods, Earths, righteous, or civilized? Please think about this. If there is anything you do not understand, holla at me & let us elevate on positively. 
I have one more issue to address: Why did Father Allah bless us with the Supreme Mathematics? So we are better equipped to manuever through the universe. What is another name for the mathematics? "LIVING MATHEMATICS". They are referred to as such because once you master your mathematics, you are expected to live them out. SO WHY ARE WE NOT APPLYING THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE (KNOWLEDGE), SO WE MAY KNOW EVERY SQUARE INCH (THINK "RULER": THE MEASURING TOOL & ONE THAT GOVERNS) & KEEP THE BEST PART FOR SELF & REFUSE TO FOCUS ON THE POOR PART? 
Do you realize that whenever we sit in these chat groups & "right fight" one another, we are possibly discouraging potential future master builders from coming amongst us ... the ones that say we are RIGHTEOUS (righteous=right & wise)? I personally know of one Earth that has ceased her Facebook interaction due to this, & there are a few others that are zygotes that have considered not continuing their interaction with us. This is just a suggestion: As oppose to right fighting each other, why not 21? What the hell is that you ask? WHEN U-N-I-VERSE WE BRING ABOUT A MORE GLORIOUS & HIGHER ELEVATION OF UNDERSTANDING!!!!!!! Think about it people. We need more productive members amongst us, not petty keyboard gangstas. Learn, knowledge, study, be wise, understand & LIVE FOR THE BABIES! 

Your True & Living Servant & Representative,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

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