Friday, January 30, 2015

There has been a lot of talk about this recent decision to not indict the pig that murdered Mark Brown, Derrick Wilson. Most of the dudes around me have been speaking about how violent they would have responded, yet they are absolutely quiet when the opportunity to resist administration within the confines of this poor part. Now I am not an advocate of resorting to violence as an intitial option. I think that should be a finally consideration, when all else fails. However, I do understand our people's state of mind in Missouri. How many of our people must die before we come to the realization that an original person's lyfe is worthless to the Dodecaneses (Caucasians/white folks)? Also, how many lives must we sacrifice before we learn the valuable lesson of unity from these Dodecaneses? 
Please do not get it twisted, I understand the thoughts & feelings of so many of our people, b.u.t actually >>> WHAT DID YOU ALL EXPECT? Really! Did we actually think they would indict this clown, Zimmerman, who was NOT protected by the great BLUE WALL of pigs, slipped away from prosecution? When he murdered the brother Trayvon Martin, after the 911 dispatcher told him to NOT follow Trayvon, instead allow the pigs that were on the way to handle it. 
Did we really think that these white folks would allow one of their own to take the fall when the first thing they did to justify the senseless killing of Mark Brown was "reveal" that he got into an altercation at the store. When they left his body in the streets for over four hours while they schemed & plotted on how they would handle this tradegy. When they contiuously disrespect the lives of Black people everywhere in Amerikkka. 
I trust many of you are wondering what I suggest we do, or have done. Well, I can not give you my deepest desires, due to this internet being monitored. B.u.t I will say this: We spend OVER ONE POINT FIVE BILLION DOLLARS annually!!! That is BILLION with a "B"!!! Imagine if we were to utilize that money within our own communities, as oppose to giving it to these Dodecaneses. We are quick to purchase all these white owned company products & services ... Yet we ignore our own peoples' products & services. However, in order for that to happen, we must first unite as one unit! This is why Derrick Wilson is still free without worry of prosecution for murder ... Because him & his people move as an unit. Not only is he white, b.u.t then he is a part of the biggest gang in the western world: PIGS! Many of us do not like pigs, & for good reason, b.u.t we can learn from them. I always say: "One should respect their enemy. Because if their enemy is not worthy of respect, then how are they worthy of being one's enemy"? I respect the code of silence & unity displayed by the pigs all across the United Snakes of Amerikkka. Should we as Black people did some of the things that the pigs did, like keep our business amongst ourselves, & unconditionally support one another, we would be the power house that we meant to be. 
B.u.t back to my suggestion of Economical Boycott. Look at how the Bus Boycott of our past affected the white business of transportation. Now apply that to everything white owned!!! It will cripple the Amerikkkan government, as well as this westernized capitalist structure. B.u.t at the same time, being that our billion plus will not be put into the pockets & accounts of those that do not value our lives, we will be spending this gold within our very own communities. Therefore, it will empower us as a nation. 
When given the opportunity, discuss this subject with your fellow original people. Of course the main excuse you will hear stems from our lack of trust & lack of education. Many will say: "I am not giving my hard earned money to someone I don't know, so they can go off & live in luxury"! I respect that, b.u.t what about the eighty five percent of our people that give ten percent of their "hard earned money" to preachers that they do not know? No, they do not "KNOW" them. They know what these preachers reveal to the people, b.u.t they do not know these "spiritual leaders" personally. Actually, many of them don't live in the same hoods that we do! They live in beautiful neighborhoods, (Notice: neighborhoods vs hoods >>> What is the difference between the two?) which your money probably pays for. 
Then you will hear: "What are we suppose to do once we gather all this money"? I know & understand that this proposal is not going to be able to prosper within the next year or two, or five, or even a decade. However, the commencement & education (to the children) of this plan is the purpose of our current society. Sending our seeds to our own schools to become educated in the sciences necessary to implement this plan. 
B.u.t my beloved people, NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT UNITY ... FIRST!!! So basicly, until we stop being afraid of our own children, & educate them accordingly to our desire of them being leaders of the future, as oppose to victims & wards of the state ... Or until we stop being selfish individuals ... Or until we stop making excuses for why we don't reach for goals beyond our parents ... Or until we stop allowing others outside of our nation to raise our children ... Or until we stop killing each other (senselessly) ... We will continue to be murdered by those that hate us. Yes people, they HATE YOU!!! Why do you think they continue to KILL YOU & YOUR BABIES?!?!?!? Think about that! 
Oh yeah, please stop PROTESTING whenever they murder one of ours. All that does is inform the world that you disagree with what is transpiring. It does not prevent them from MURDERING our children! The way I figure it, if we can come together & "protest" (despite what inconvience we cause with said protests), then we can unite & do something much more powerful. Think on that too! 
Peace my beloved original people. Please discuss this amongst yourselves & take it seriously. Because if the roles were reversed, trust & know these white folks would be out for blood. Remember Emmit Till? Or do you need a more contemporary example? Look at the new found war on bullying. Bullying has been going on for eons, b.u.t now that little white kids are being victimized, it is a problem. Or look at this herion epidemic, when it was killing only Black people in the ghetto of Amerikkka, it was not a problem. Now that little Becky is cleaning out her parents accounts & overdosing, all of a sudden it is an "EPIDEMIC"!!! Do the knowledge, think, study, think some more, & build with one another. When U-N-I-VERSE ... we get to the best part! 

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

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