Tuesday, September 15, 2015

By Black King Lyfe Allah

S]ometimes [E]fficent [P]lanning [T]akes

KNOWLEDGE (1) Of Which Is The WISEST (2)
ABILITIES (5) One Possesses To Produce 
COMPLETION (0) Of Their Goals-by Black King Lyfe Allah

I cee today's mathematics as the science of planning. First of all one must do the Knowledge to their desires/goals, and then apply the proper Wisdom to achieve said desires/goals. Which will most likely produce the Fruit (Understanding - knowledge and wisdom is all being born to understanding). Looking at the knowledge wisdom degree in the King's Culture lesson (1-14's), we notice how this science is supported. The degree asks: What is the meaning of F.O.I.? FRUIT of I.S.L.A.M. - This is the product of one taking control of their lyfe and utilizing their abilities to bring into existence any and everything they desire and work towards. Shall we break it down so that it is easier to teach? Good, let us build, and possibly destroy!
I.S.L.A.M. is an acronym that expounds on the true culture of Original people: [I] [S]elf [L]ord [A]m [M]aster, or [I] [S]incerely [L]ove [A]llah's [M]athematics, or [I] [S]tudy [L]yfe [A]round [M]e. Then we have "fruit", which is the "result" or "outcome" of efforts put forth. Thus, the Fruit of I.S.L.A.M is the results or outcome of doing the knowledge to one's cipher and applying said knowledge to any given science of lyfe that one desires to enhance, understand, or destroy. 
This is something that the Devil will never teach you, because he desires to make slaves out of all he can, so he can rob you all and live in luxury (12:40). In other words, those that are against righteousness (the "right" and "wise" way of lyfe) will not show you how to put your energies into something that is conducive to prosperity, because if you were to become self sufficent, the Devil could not utilize your labor and studies to produce for him/her (slavery). Nor would they be able to take anything from you (robbery) when you study lyfe around you and realize that some come amongst you just to cause trouble. Leaving the Devil on the poor (lacking) part of any cipher ... No luxuries for heeem! 
So, in essence people: today shows and proves to me that I-King must always be doing the knowledge and planning accordingly, if I want to produce the results I deem appropriate within any cipher I-King place self in. For self, I know one of my greastest talents is writing, thus I wisely utilize this skill (ability) to complete my goal of teaching the masses through these cyber ciphers. Also, I use it to connect with like minded (alikes and others) individuals I-King can build with. 


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