Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wisdom [2] Born [9] all being born to Knowledge [1] Knowledge [1] all being born to Wisdom.[2]

Peace True and livings ... This rotation is Wisdom [2] Born [9] all being born to Knowledge [1] Knowledge [1] all being born to Wisdom.[2] Being swift and changeable in one’s ways and actions. How one maneuver through he sciences of lyfe. [Wisdom] To be mentally and physically brought into existence [Born] Conscious awareness [Knowledge] Truths facts and realities [Knowledge] Receiver of truths [Wisdom] How I apply this … As [Wisdom] Black Queen Sentient Earth I have the ability to move in a fashion though either abstract and/or concrete, my ways and actions are shown and proven swiftly through what I have investigated and experimented with. I Sentient move in currents meaning sometimes I Sentient may have to consciously and changeably move with or against a current[s], step back and observe or show and prove my understanding. In order to be wise one must apply the knowledge. Wisdom can be both received and given. Either aspect determines one's level of awareness.How I receive and give Wisdom is solely based on how I run it through from Knowledge to Born both on the investigative level [Receiving the Wisdom] and the experimentation [Giving the wisdom] The foundation of both and where I begin is Knowledge. Wisdom (2) Born (9) alphabetically is expressed as Black. Black being the first part of my righteous attribute. When you cee the word Black it can be perceived negatively by most positively by some. Black in reference to my righteous attribute is expressed alphabetically [29]. The attribute Black is Wisdom Born. Wisdom is the manifestation of one's conscious awareness of how it is applied to maneuver through lyfe. Born is mentally dealing in reality, what you mentally create with facts and truths by properly going from knowledge to born. Black is revealing your wisdom in order to create realities for self and all lyfe around you. Black is also the dominant energy that attracts and absorbs energy. Peace ~ Black Queen Sentient Earth

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