Saturday, October 31, 2015

By Black King Lyfe Allah

Peace to Man, Woman and Child,

My Queen, Black Queen Sentient Earth recently received her Holy attribute of Allah, after completing and showing and proving her understanding of the Student enrollment. Then like many of us she experienced a degree of resistance from those that are blind dumb to their true self. After she and I built upon the issue, she brought it to our beloved Nation for the purpose of building with other like minded individuals. However, all everyone said in response to her build, which clearly conveys the desire to add on with others, was "Peace". Now brothers and sisters, this is NOT an attack. Instead, this is self simply making 19 to one of our many issues as a Nation. 
First of all, PEACE is NOT a password. It is not to be used to gain access to the jewels of those that possess the best parts of lyfe. Peace is a GREETING. Meaning it is suppose to be used to as a word that shows recgonizition of another. Not to describe how you cee something. Imagine if you spent your time and energy putting together a powerful build, then you shared it with someone close to you. What would you think if said person simply responded with "That was ALRIGHT"? Personally, I would question this person's understanding of my efforts. Beause "ALRIGHT" can mean a plethora of sentiments. The same thing goes for the word Peace amongst the Nation of Gods and Earths. 
When I first became a citizen of this Nation, I use to wonder how in the hell can someone come across these lessons, and decide to leave such Holiness to live a lyfe of religion, savagery, et cetera? I think the lack of intimate interaction amongst those that have been living this culture for many more miles than the average plays a part. Like what Black Queen has just experienced. Think about this please, and give a bit of your time to address the issue that Black Queen Sentient Earth has put out there for us to build upon. Key word being "BUILD" - which means to add on or elevate on positively. 
To the Earth, I Medina Peaceful Earth: your build in the book, Knowledge Of Self, has help Black Queen tremendously. Yet your response to her S.O.S has caused a bit of confusion. Being that your attribute is "PEACEFUL" - I-King think it is your responsbility to alleviate this confusion. Being as "PEACEFUL" implies devoid of confusion. So Earth, I humbly ask you to reach out to your sister and elevate on positively. 
Finally, to all those that come in the name of Allah - we are not only a Nation, b.u.t we are also a FAMILY. I think we should move in such a fashion. Trust and know I realize that there are those that come amongst us to try to cause trouble amongst the righteous people ... B.u.t that should not concern us so much. Why not? Because Father Allah has blessed us with the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabets - our THIRTY SIX KEYS - or as the Wu Tang Clan says: 36 Chambers - and many (about 85%) can not travel through the entire 36 chambers. Meaning when we utilize our thirty six keys, we know who and what we are dealing with at all times. And knowing every aspect (square inch), we choose for self the best part, we do not care about the poor parts. Now if these parts reveal wickedness, what do we do? Muhammad showed us (through our lessons) that if we have that knowledge of a cipher, it is the responsibility of us civilized to slay said Devil(s). 
No people, I am not advocating that you physically kill these people. From my time in the streets of ghetto Amerikkka, I-King have learnt that there are many ways to assassinate someone:
Et cetera
So do not do like the Gods, Malik, Walik, Eye God, Latif, Jahad and Rahim, better known as the Harlem Six. (If you do not know, do the knowledge! - If you do know, you get my point.) 
Bottom line, build with one another, especially if someone reaches out to you (directly or indirectly). Because NOW is the time for us to come together and build a strong righteous NATION, and put an END to the Devil's uncivilization, right? I Love You All. Peace

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

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