Saturday, October 31, 2015

By Black King Lyfe Allah

Peace to Man, Woman and Child,

Why is there so much hate on the internet? This person doesn't like that person, that person can't stand this person, and so on and so on. At one time you liked them enough to share your lyfe, or at least parts of it, with them. You could stand them enough to get close to you. B.u.t now that they are doing or did something that you do not agree with, you are done with the entire gender? YOU are crazy! I am blessed to have my Queen in my lyfe, b.u.t if I did not, NO woman is strong enough to have me give up on all women. 
I do understand the dynamics of a relationship and how things do not always work according to how we think they should. B.u.t let me ask you this: Where do we get this ideology of how things should work? From our own personal awareness, experience and understanding of lyfe! Therefore it is extremely difficult to find someone of the opposite sex to share the exact same ideologies as us. Thus it takes WORK to make a relationship WORK! 
I think too many times we as human beings that have conquered the animals of planet Earth try to control and change the people in our lives to our own personal liking. The key is not so much in changing them, it lies in changing self. That is called SACRIFICE - which is the foundation of COMMITMENT. There is nothing or noone you can be committed to without sacrifice. 
So, if you are so fed up with the opposite sex, look at self and ask: "What have I sacrificed in my last [?] relationships?" Ooooohhh Nnnnooo, you do not get off that easily - So if you are done with the opposite sex, who do you plan on being in relationships with? Homos? How well do you think that is going to go? Do you think that gay people do not have relationship issues? Watch the Jerry Springer Show for seven days and I bet you will see a gay couple with relationship problems. Relationship issues are a part of being in a relationship, why do you think most countries have military forces? So when relationships go sour, they can protect their interests. Relationships have issues because no two, or group of, humans are the same ... there will be differences. It is all about how you handle and respond to these degrees of difference. 
Now, to all you women that are "in a relationship with Jesus" - I respect your decision to be a Christian, however, how in the hell are you in a relationship with someone you can not relate to? The man is dead. Is this something you tell your self to keep up the facade that you are content with your lyfe? Or do you say this because you want a man as perfect as they told Jesus was? Think about it, I do not even expect an answer, that is something I want you to figure out for self. Because Jesus is NOT coming back - and no he never did say he was! He said the Son of Man would return! The Son of Man is all around you, so I suggest you dump Jesus (not your culture of righteousness), and grab you up one of these Sons of Man. Peace!

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

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