Saturday, November 28, 2015

Peace to Every Man, Woman, and Child,
First of all I would like to begin this build by thanking everyone that sent self their energy on my glorious bornday. Now, shall we build? Good, let us get it. Understanding Born miles (39 years) ago I was born through the womb of my O'Earth. The year was 1976 - which is born to power (1+9+7+6=2+3=5). That was the year of wise words producing power, I think that is how I came into existence: My O'Sun utilizing the right words to cause Earthquakes within my O'Earth. Those wise words brought forth the true of emotions of my O'Earth for him, which allowed him to plant his seed (self) in her womb. 
Never the less, I-King am at the physical degree of UNDERSTANDING BORN, which is all being born to KNOWLEDGE WISDOM, which borns UNDERSTANDING. So basically I am at the degree of lyfe in which I must always understand that which I-King bring into existence. This is accomplished through self knowing what is the wisest path to take in order to accomplish any goal(s) I set for self. Now once I do knowledge the most prudent method(s), I-King then must bear the fruit of these thoughts through my ways and actions. This all will ensure that I Self Lord Am Master UNDERSTANDS that which I BORN. 
Also, growing up in the ghetto of Medina, Now Why (Brooklyn, New York), I never thought I-King would ever make it to reach the physical degree of Wisdom Knowledge, or Wisdom Power, let alone the mile of Understanding Born. You see, I grew up in the streets literally, because I was one of those children whose parent(s) did not know how to raise their seeds, so they kicked their seeds out of doors. Being homeless as a child in the streets of Medina is symbolic to being in a war torn country. Yet and still, I made it to the point in which I have been blessed with the opportunity to live and see the day when the Gods take the Devil into hell, by becoming ALLAH and in my own good time taking the Devil off my (mental) plane(t). The Devil did not teach self this, due to his desire to make a slave out of self, so he can rob self and live in luxury. Since I-King have reached this stage in lyfe, I-God (7) am able to born (9) words, ways, and actions (2) that are balanced (6). 
I read the Elder's, Abu Shahid (according to my understanding there are only culture [4] elders: Allah, Old Man Justice, Abu Shahid, and Hebekah. Everyone else are "OLDER GODS" - not elders/elder Gods), book - in which he built on his on his physical degree at the time, which was GOD GOD. So he took it to the God God degree of the 120: The KNOWLEDGE GOD degree of the second Muslim lesson. In tradition to this science, the UNDERSTANDING BORN degree of 120 is the WISDOM BORN degree of the English Lesson C-1: "DID THEY RECEIVE MORE GOLD?" I trust you are wondering how does this pertain to self >>> well, according to Riverside Webster's II New College Dictionary, "gold" is defined as either "riches" (third definition) or "Something highly valued, as for purity or goodness" (fifth definition). Riches are not necessarily money, riches can be anything that is precious (like my family), of great value or worth (like my lyfe), abounding, especially in natural resources (like my mind), or extremely productive (like my efforts). Something highly valued can be any of the things mentioned above. So did they receive more family, lyfe, mind, or efforts on my part? EMPHATICALLY WHY EQUALS SELF (HELL YEAH)!!! Who are the "they" spoken of in this degree of my lyfe? Those that are within my circumference, from my beloved Queen, Black Queen, to all my children, to my brothers and sisters within the Nation of Gods and Earths. They will receive "more gold" due to self's ability to understand everything I-King born. Ask them all when this revolution is over with, they will be able to testify to this reality. 


The True & Living Sun of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah

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