Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Out of Sight From the Mind by Black King Lyfe Allah

Peace to Man, Woman and Child,
Welcome to OUT OF SIGHT FROM THE MIND. Out Of Sight From The Mind (OOSFTM) is a viral commentary that is the brainchild of my self, Black King Lyfe Allah, a citizen of the Nation of Gods and Earths, as well as a prisoner of the wilderness of North Amerikkka's injustice system. The purpose of this commentary is to allow people in the free cipher (society) to receive a better degree of awareness, experience, and clarity of the lyfe, thoughts, tribulations, feelings, concerns, et cetera of people incarcerated. I also open this up to become a forum in which dialogue pertaining to incarcerated individuals and their counterparts in the free cipher, can be achieved, with the purpose of coming up with solutions to our many issues. Please keep in mind that all the material posted will not necessarily reflect the thoughts of my self, for I will be posting entries from other incarcerated individuals. 
Now, please allow me to explain why I have chosen the name, OUT OF SIGHT FROM THE MIND. Many of us have heard the phrase "out of sight, out of mind", when referring to those within the belly of the beast. This is due to the reality that all too often we find ourselves abandoned, once confined by local, state or federal authorities, by the same ones that pledged alliegence to us while we were in the free cipher. It seems as if once someone does not see us with their two physical eyes, our existence no longer dwells in their minds. Thus many of us come home with bitter thoughts and feelings towards those that ceased all communication during our time locked up. In my attempts to put a positive twist on this reality, I decided to name the commentary what I have. Out Of Sight because we are still out of the line of vision of our peoples in the world beyond these walls, barb wire, and fences. From The Mind comes from a bilateral position:
First of all, the words you will read on this commentary is coming directly from the minds of their authors, hence From The Mind. Secondly, just because our people do not see us as often as they once have, does not mean that we are not on their minds. I welcome all to come and share in the energy produced by this endeavor. Peace.

The True & Living Sun of Man,
Black King

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