Thursday, October 29, 2015

Magnificent Infinite King Allah---P.R.T

Peace to the 7's & 6's in this poor part of the planet Earth. This Build was initially drawn up by I in connection to a question that was posed to one of our Righteous Brothers in the Culture. My will and Desire is to share my Knowledge through my Wisdom to bring forth a Supreme Understanding with all of my human families concerning said question.

Ques. Can you get us some scientific facts on the different germs? Ans. Y Equals Self.


Before going any further, I feel that it is important to define a few words in relation to the word germ and how eye Cee these words as well as how they relate to the 30 degree of the Lost-Found Muslim No.2 of the NGE. After doing some research I discovered that there is only one ACTUAL germ, inside of which there exists the ABILITY to form two. The word germ comes from the Latin word germen which means bud. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a germ as: Germ- n. 1). A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop. 2). The EARLIEST FORM of an ORGANISM; a seed, bud or spore. 3). A microorganism, esp. a pathogen. 4). Something that may serve as THE BASIS of further growth & development.

Gene is defined as: Gene- n. A hereditary unit that occupies a specific location on a chromosome, determines a particular characteristic in an organism, and can undergo mutation.

Eugenics is defined as: Eugenics- n. The STUDY of HEREDITARY IMPROVEMENT of the human RACE by controlled selective breeding.

And lastly, Genesis is defined as: Genesis- n. The ORIGIN of something.

The 30 degree asks: Tell us what and how the devil is made? Answer in part: The devil is made from the Original People by grafting and separating the germs. In the Black Man's body there exists two germs, one a Black germ and one a brown germ. Yakub with his laws on birth control separated the brown germ from the Black germ and grafted into white germ, after destroying the Black germ...

This separation/grafting of the germs was done only through the process of CONTROLLED SELECTIVE BREEDING. (Cee Eugenics def.) In the bible in the book of Genesis 30:32-42, it speaks of Jacob (Yakub) separating the germs, b.u.t this separating is shrouded in symbolism to hide the true meaning from the seeker. Verses 32-42 states in pertinent part: I will pass through all thy flock today, removing from thence all the speckled and spotted cattle, and all the BROWN cattle among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and such shall be my hire... And he removed that day the HE GOATS that were ringstraked and spotted, and all the SHE GOATS that were speckled and spotted, and every one THAT HAD SOME WHITE IN IT, and all the brown among the sheep... And Jacob (Yakub) took him rods of green poplar, and of the HAZEL and CHESTNUT tree, and pilled white strakes in them, AND MADE THE WHITE APPEAR WHICH WAS IN THE RODS... And Jacob (Yakub) did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flock toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his flock by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle... But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in...

The cattle, lambs, spotted and speckled sheep etc., are all used here symbolically to refer to people. In the Bible even the Prophet Jesus is referenced to as the LAMB of God. This was the process of separating or grafting the germs taking place that gave birth to the devil or Caucasian white man. Understanding (3) the Cipher (0), or Understanding Self enabled Jacob (Yakub) to separate/segregate the 'sheep' or 'cattle' by isolating then manipulating the germs (organisms) that determine hereditary development, this is the science of anatomy which deals with biology, chemistry, etc. By targeting or determining the hereditary unit that occupied the specific location on the chromosome, the particular characteristic within the hue-man organism of the Original People began to undergo a PHYSICAL MUTATION (Cee def. of gene). You Cee, it is important to Understand that all of these things----germs, genes, genesis, and eugenics are all important to and interrelated to one another and their ensuing functions. They are vital to the importance that germs play in the development of Man because they not only show and prove through the dominant Black germ how Black People are the Original People of the Planet Earth (1st degree of What We Teach), or how Black People are the Fathers and Mothers of Civilization (2nd degree of What We Teach) through carbon dating of ancient pre-historic fossils like Zinjanthropus Boise, b.u.t. it also allows the Original People, who have been lost from home for 379 plus years, to Understand the Cipher of Self, as Jacob of the Bible did, the relationship of the Self to the Whole, as well as how the Science of Supreme Mathematics (3rd degree of What We Teach) gave birth to all of the sciences that deal with growth and development of Man AND 'mankind', i.e. anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, astrology, astronomy, etc.

Esoterically, 'germs' can be viewed symbolically in relation to one's state of mind or being. 'In the Black Man's body there exists two germs', which can be seen as the DUALITY in Man. One a Black germ (the higher/positive aspect of Self), and one a brown germ (the lower/negative aspect of Self). By destroying our livelihood through false ideas and concepts (pins and needles) instituted in our brains at least 6000 years ago through our interaction with MANKIND, our 'Black germs,' or (positive/higher) mind states, slowly gave way to our lesser 'brown germs,' or (negative/lower) mind states. After studying and learning to do like the unoriginal man, our 'germs' or mind states became more and more grafted until we were no longer operating in the realm known in the Kemetic Science as Amen. (*Amen according to Kemetic Science is the highest state of consciousness that one can attain where you are functioning in a state of pure Divinity. (Cee Cosmologics and the Metu Neter by: Ra Un Nefer Amen), b.u.t. we were operating instead in our most weakest/recessive state of mind or being. Yakub (Jacob) with his laws on birth control separated the brown germ from the Black germ and grafted into white germ after destroying the Black germ. Destroy means: 1). To ruin completely. 2). To tear down; demolish. 3). To kill. The very ESSENCE or nature of the Original People was destroyed, ruined, torn down, demolished, and killed by the grafting of the Black germ, or mind state, into a weak, white, recessive germ, all in an effort to bring into existence a kind of man opposite God. White means to be devoid of something, right? Take for example, these sheets of paper. Without the words that are typed on them, it would be devoid of substance! All that would be left is something not written on, blank, def. #4 of white---American Heritage Dictionary. The uncivilized ways and actions that we learned to display first began in the mind, then was passed on hereditarily through the genes by the process of eugenics. BEFORE the physical separating & grafting of the Original People took place there had to first be a separating & grafting of the Original People's, what? MINDS! Why? Because all things must first start in the mind, for all things are Mental. (Cee Self Mastery Series: 7 Universal Laws-Law of Mentalism).

Next, the characteristics being looked for was located and isolated during the grafting process to bring about the desired effect. In the developmental stage of the embryo, the cells of the inner cell mass become organized into a flattened disk, which consists of two layers, an outer ectoderm & an inner endoderm. A short time afterwards, a third layer forms between the previous two called the mesoderm. These three layers of cells are called the PRIMARY GERM LAYERS, and they are responsible for forming all the body organs INCLUDING the brain inside of which the mind is housed. More specifically, ectoderm cells give rise to the nervous system, portions of special sensory organs, the epidermis, hair, nails, glands of the skin, and linings of the mouth and anal cavity. Mesodermal cells form all types of muscle tissue, bone tissue, bone marrow, BLOOD, BLOOD VESSELS, lymphatic vessels, various connective tissues, internal REPRODUCTIVE organs, kidneys, and the epithelial linings of the body cavities. Endodermal cells produce the epithelial linings of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary bladder, and urethra. (From Human Anatomy & Physiology 6th Edition by John W. Hole Jr.). Mind you, this is all occurring during the embryonic stage. With the proper Knowledge of this process, one can begin to manipulate the germ layers to target a specific location on a chromosome and the particular characteristic desired and begin to transform or mutate it into an entirely new organism! Just look around, the proof is in the pudding.

Yakub was the wisest scientist of his time, thus being of a dissatisfied nature, he embarked to undertake the process of genetic mutation through germ/gene manipulation, by separating the brown germ from the Black germ and grafted it into white germ after destroying the Black germ, both mentally and physically.

30 degree cont... After following this process for 600 years the germ became white and weak and was no more original. Also by thinning the Original Man's BLOOD it too became weak and wicked and was no longer the same. Thus, this is what and how the devil was made.

Peace to my Brothers and Sisters in the struggle striving for Freedom, Justice, and Equality in an effort to add to the God Nation's Cipher. I depart 21R mental in everlasting Love, Peace, and Happiness. Until next we Build...

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