Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today's mathematics

Today's mathematics is Wise Cipher, all being born to Wisdom. These mathmatics are manifested in the reality of our women. To be wise means to be able to properly discern the most productive or progressive method to reach any given goal. Cipher is the original woman, [C]ee [I] [P]ower [HER]. So today's mathematics correlates to those Blackwomen that are capable of maneuvering through the trials & tribulations of occidental lyfe, with all it's emotional, mental, & physical distress. 

Notice that the Wise Cipher also corresponds to the principle of Truth/Square. The Truth aspect represents the teaching character of a Wise Cipher, for reasons being that Truth is the light that leads one out of triple stages of darkness. While the Square perspective is symbolic to the completion of a Wise Cipher's being. She Understands (3) the Equality (6) of her Cipher (0) >>> [360]. 
Then we come to the Master's Equality lesson (1-36) ... In which this degree speaks about there being "a little over 17,000,000". Do you cee how a Wise Cipher has a little over the Knowledge (1) of God (7)? Which means that she not only has the Knowledge of God, b.u.t also the application of said Knowledge. Basically, she knows who God is & interacts with him accordingly. 
Finally I would like to travel to the Nation's Cipher lesson (1-40) for my last point of today's mathematics: What is the prescribed law of [I] [S]incerely [L]ove [A]llah's [M]athematics? The civilized are responsible for the uncivilized & must be punished by the Nation of Islam. Meaning that the prewritten governing of any cipher, is each one, teach one ... or suffer the consequences of the universe. Who prewrites? That's right, an author >>> so the Wise Cipher has [author]ity over the her cipher, & in this said cipher she must teach accordingly to her level of awareness (supreme intelligence). Also, the sole controller & ruler of the universe will serve justice appropriately. 
Do you all cee my 3D (third divine) vision? If not, please ask the appropriate questions. I LOVE QUESTIONS!!! Also, I invite you all to add on, especially the Earths, being that this build is speaking of you. 


The True & Living Sun Of Man,

Black King Lyfe Allah-452 (AKA the Bighead Scientist)

Peace & Blessings To Man, Woman, & Child,

What's the science everyone? I trust & build that you all are doing the knowledge to what you are bringing into existence. As for self, I-King am striving to get the original Muslims (Blackwomen = the first to submit to the will of Allah) to do the knowledge to God, by evolving into the excellence of Earth (Equality = [E]arth's [QUALITY] >>> Quality = excellence.

Today's mathematics is Knowledge Born, all being born to Knowledge Cipher, which in turn borns Knowledge. The way I cee this is it is my duty, as a civilized person, to make Knowledge Born to the True & Living Gods that it is very important to always Know(ledge) your Cipher's (wisdom body) attitude. Especially when it comes to interacting with others, because her attitude is going to be the foundation (Knowledge) of how she interacts & communicates with others (Knowledge + Born = Knowledge + Cipher = Knowledge >>> 1 + 9 = 1 + 0 = 1). More so, other Earths, especially those just coming into the warmth & radiance of our beautiful Nation (of Gods & Earths). 
This build stems from knowledge born to me by my Queen, Black Queen, over the phone today. You see, she is in communication with a fellow Earth, Queen Divine Wisdom, & Queen Divine Wisdom has been experiencing cold currents from our beloved sisters in this Nation. According to her, it seems that the Earths are on some high school stuff, meaning cliqued up, & not allowing others to penetrate their cipher. First of all, this is information I am receiving third party, & secondly, I do understand one's hesitation to accept new adherents to our principles, procedures, & values. However, this is a symptom of slavery >>> distrust! We are the original people of the planet Earth, & to me that means we are to move in a fashion that is close as possible to the ORIGINAL behavior of Black people. This is one of the major lessons Father Allah taught us when he was walking across this Earth. 
I trust some of you are askng why am I addressing the Gods, as oppose to the Earths (accused of this behavior). Because the Earth is always going to reflect the energy of her God. Many of us (Gods) have come in time with Jive Pretenders, Lips Professors, Snakes of the Grafted type, et cetera, & have had to slay said individuals. B.u.t that is the Hell being spoken about in the Knowledge Wisdom (12) degree of the Supreme Alphabets. We must go through that hell in order to come out right. Did you not learn a lesson from those experiences? Is the lesson not a form of you coming out right? I say Why Equals Self (YES). 
When Father Allah came home from Mattawan, during our first Universal Parliament, his greeting of Peace was met by a "THUNDEROUS" response of Peace, by thousands of Gods & Earths! My point is we add on in this culture. By exerting cold currents, our people (Gods & Earths) discourage individuals from coming amongst the True & Living. Sure enough, everyone will not be build to stand up under the responsibility of being a righteous & civilized person, b.u.t at least make Knowledge Born by allowing them within the realm of the righteous. Once they do the Knowledge to the Cipher, they will Know(ledge) whether or not they are ready & willing to withstand the duties of a civilized person. 
So in summary, Gods: Teach the Earths to always do the knowledge first, because by closing of their cipher to potential Earths (or like in this case, fellow Earths) they may hindering the growth of a master builder. Earths: Please take into consideration the fact that someone took the time out to do the knowledge to, become wise to, & understand you. Besides Queens, with those that are in your cipher, you have access to multiple understandings. Thus whatever you do not catch, I am quite certain another sister (or brother) will pick up on it, & should you all decide that this person is a snake of the grafted type ... Well, you know what to do! 


The True & Living Sun Of Man,

Black King Lyfe Allah-452

The Greatest Story Never Told Questions-Compiled By Black King Lyfe Allah

1-Who wrote the GSNT? When? Why?
2-When was Father Allah born? Where?
3-What was Father Allah's parents' names?
4-How many siblings did Father Allah have?
5-What was Father Allah's name, given to him by his parents?
6-What was his nickname as a child? Who gave him this name?
7-How did Father Allah & his siblings refer to the Caucasians? 
8-What was the address of the family?
9-Where did the children spend their summers?
10-What was one of Father Allah's favorite past times, that he was good at?
11-Whom did his brothers compare him to due to this talent?
12-Whose lyfe did he save with this skill? 
13-Why did Louis, Father Allah's O'Sun, fight (& beat up) a white man in front of their home?
14-What did Father Allah & his siblings do while this was transpiring?
15-When did Father Allah move to Now Why (New York)?
16-What did his nickname become from this point on?
17-What was one of Father Allah's first hustles in Now Why?
18-What became one of his favorite hobbies that he grew to love to do?
19-What is the name of the first girl that Father Allah had blessed with his divine seed (twice)?
20-Did he marry her? Why or why not?
21-What is the name of the second girl that Father Allah blessed with his divine seed? Did he marry this one?
23-What branch of the military did Father Allah join?
24-What war did he go to fight in?
25-How did Father Allah send money home while in the military?
26-What temple did Father Allah join once he came home from the military?
27-Who was the minister at this temple?
28-Whom did Father Allah meet in the temple & become close with?
29-What was Father Allah's initial duty in the temple? 
30-What was Father Allah's responsibility as lieutenant in the temple?
31-What made Father Allah's self style wisdom (speech) hypnotic?
32-While Father Allah was a Student Minister, what name did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad bestow upon him?
33-What was Father Allah speaking on when Captain Joseph cleared the room & told Father Allah couldn't teach what he was teaching?
34-What year did Father Allah leave the temple?
35-What realization did Father Allah come to after leaving the temple? 
36-Who are the 85%, 10%, & 5%?
37-What is God's job, according to Father Allah's understanding?
38-Why did Father Allah decide to focus his attention on the youth?
39-What are the Supreme Mathematics & Supreme Alphabets? What are their purpose?
40-Who was Father Allah's first student? Why?
41-What is a "knowledge seed"? 
42-What are the names of the first nine born?
43-Where did the science of "Father" Allah come from?
44-What are some of the teachings Father Allah taught the children? 
45-When was the first assassination attempt on Father Allah? By Whom?
46-Why was Father Allah placed in the psychiatric unit of Bellevue?
47-Why was Father Allah sent to Mattawan?
48-Where was the first Universal Parliament held? When? 
49-What did Father Allah say to the Muslims when they attempted to disrupt the Universal Parliament? 
50-Who was the Mayor of Now Why at this time? What was the name of his aid that interacted with Father Allah on behalf of the Mayor? 
51-What is the address of Allah School In Mecca (Allah's Street Academy)?
52-Who designed the Universal Flag?
53-On April 4th, 1968, what happened that affected the entire United States, & how did the Gods respond?
54-When & where was Father Allah murdered?

Wise Equality-By Black King Lyfe Allah



Jacob (J) Uses (U) Lust (L) To Destroy (8) Our Square (20) & Bring Hell (12)The Build (8) degree of the King's Cipher lesson (1-10) verifies my understanding of today's mathematics. The colored people use 6,000,000 (equality) square miles of useful land. Equality is the physical aspect of lyfe. The Devil has us so caught up in his uncivilization that he is able to use our bodies to destroy us ... through dis-eases. Due to the fact that the Devil has us dealing with low vibrations (lower self), we lust after our wo(mb)men & become sexually active without first doing the knowledge to their health status. All the while we knowledge the reality of the many sexually transmitted dis-eases that exist ... some that have no cure. The True & Living Earth knows & understands this, that is why she gift wraps herself with 3/4 clothing. After contracting one, or many, of these incurable dis-eases, we hinder ourselves from reproducing healthy, strong, good babies. With this hindrance, we are unable to start on a proper SQUARE & peacefully plant & cultivate the seed of lyfe! Often times we experience some degree of HELL from the symptoms & effects of those dis-eases.

By: Black King Lyfe Allah

The Mission Of Education

What is the mission of education? Good question, b.u.t it procreates more questions. One is: Who is the educator? Another is then: Who is the educated? Finally: What is the purpose of this education? Let us look the at adverse relationship of the original people & unalikes. Ever since integration, we have been receiving the short end of the stick ... education wise. It is like they gave us something that we "thought" we wanted, only to take much more from us. The Dodecanese gave us the "right" to go to school with them, b.u.t at what cost? They took (& continue to take) the truth from us. True, we are taught arithmetic, reading, & writing ... b.u.t what about our true history? Without this essential knowledge of self, we are lost to our appropriate destination &/or potential. So the mission of education, when you are the educated, & your enemy is the educator, is to enslave the mind of you & yours. With your third eye (mind) in bondage, your potential & abilities are limited! You are unable to cee how far you can actually take things. Now, when you are educating your own kind, the dynamics change dramatically. The mission now becomes to ensure the survival & empowerment of your alikes. This is accomplished through degrees of understanding. Once you have a clear mental picture of your abilities, potential, & purpose >>> you can then play your position in the survival & empowerment of your people (nation).Proper EducationAllowsCreativeEndeavors

Black King Lyfe Allah


I was reading some literature & came across the word "community". In an instant I deciphered the word & could cee the word "unity". However, what word was being represented by the letters c-o-m-m? Was it commune or common? In the Amerikkkan Heritage College dictionary, commune is defined as: To be in a state of intimate, heightened sensitivity & receptivity, as with one's surroundings. Webster's II New College dictionary says: To be in accord or agreement. Common is defined as: Belonging to, shared by, or applying equally; joint. Now we know community to be ... Rather we "commonly" assume community to be our environment. However, community is not the place or surroundings, b.u.t the people. Once one comes to understand the word community, (s)he will then realize that it is actually a group or society of individuals that are one (united), with a common quest (or common purpose). They must Cee (C) Cipher (O) Master (M) Mass (M) UNITY (COMMUNITY) in order to achieve their goal(s). Which is victory. To cee unity is the first step. A goal must be brought into existence mentally in order to be victorious physically. Next the cipher of unity must be established. The group has to attain all necessary resources so they can be complete within self. Supreme knowledge & understanding of their circumference makes them the masters, masters of unity. Mass implies there is substance, which are the totality of the people that make up the group. Mathematics is everything & everything is mathematics. So Gods, Earths, brothers, & sisters ... Let us Cee Oipher Master Mass UNITY & take our rightful place on the planet Earth. Powerful

Black King Lyfe Allah

Universal Flag

The flag of the Nation of Gods & Earths consists of a cipher with eight points surrounding it's perimeter. Each point has two sides to it. One side is black & the other side is gold. The two shades represents all the human families of the planet Earth. The human families are located all over the planet Earth - this is what the eight points surrounding the cipher's perimeter symbolizes.The Cipher is a 360 degree circle which represents Allah (the Universe). The cipher is the origin of all lyfe. The cipher also symbolizes "no beginning or ending", therefore, lyfe or existence has always been.Enclosed in the cipher is the number seven, the crescent moon, & the five point star. The seven represents man who is the sole controller & ruler of his family. In other words, man is the "only" one capable of giving & sustaining order. If you look deeply at the way the solar system is designed & functions, you will notice that the sun possesses more power than the moon, stars, & planets. Everything rotates or moves in accordance to the gravitational pull of the sun - in the same manner a woman & child rotates & moves in accordance to the man. If man rotates or moves recklessly, so will his family. Whatever direction man moves in, his family will maintain that order.The crescent moon represents woman. The moon receives light (lyfe) from the sun & reflects it upon the star(s). In a similar manner woman receives lyfe from man, both mentally & physically. Mentally through the man's wise words, ways, & actions. Physically through the responsible act of consummation between man & woman. How man chooses to communicate with his woman will be mimicked onto the child. How man choose to handle people & situations - his woman will handle people & situations in a similar manner. Our words & ways make up our actions. Women reflect their man's actions at home & abroad. So more often than not, the woman & child will maintain or live in accordance to how the man, or men, in their lives move. The star represents the child. Stars justify the light of the sun. In a-like manner the child justifies the truth of his father & mother. Simply put - the child maintains civility even in the midst of chaos, or when those around them tempt them to live in opposition to how their father & mother nurtured, protected, loved, respected, & educated them. The child is the best part of lyfe, or the best thing that a man & woman together can produce. The child is the link to the future - meaning our determined ideas to achieve national consciousness, community control, & an universal government of peace will be carried out & achieved by the children. Together the seven, crescent moon, & five point star is a manifestation of the cipher - the continuation of lyfe; showing & proving that Allah is God, always has been & always will be. Peace Sa'ra Power Self Allah is a powerful builder from the family tree of Supreme Allah. He has been a productive citizen of the Nation of Gods & Earths for close to three years. Power Self is a proud father of a young King, "Young Power".

Sa'ra Power Self Allah

Black Is Beautiful

All colors in the universe come from black. Therefore black is the original, & anything that is grafted from this magnificent blackness is considered a copy from the original. Therefore, making black the Master (13) of all copies. In Genesis it says that in the beginning darkness (blackness) was on the face of the deep. Then God said "Let there be light" (whiteness). Now those who have a wise dome (wisdom), look deep between the lines. It says: "& God divided LIGHT from DARKNESS. This light that was divided away from darkness, I see as being the recessive gene. What is a real Devil? (33:40) Answer: A grafted man which is mafe weak & wicked, or any live grafted germ from the original man is Devil ... Now, not only is this relevant, b.u.t it is also relative to the 30th degree of the 1-40 ... Tell us, how was the Devil made? Answer: The Devil was made from the original people by GRAFTING & SEPARATING the germs. In the blackman's body there exist two germs; one a black germ & one a brown germ. Germ borns God: 7 5 18 13=43=7. Born-U-Truth, Yacub with his laws on birth control, separated the brown germ from the black germ & grafted it into the white germ by destroying the black germ (God). After following this process years the germ became white & was no more original. Also, by thinning the "original blood", the germ became weak & wicked & was no more the same. Thus, this is how Yacub made the Devil. Using the Supreme Mathematical system, black borns knowledge & U-N-I (you & I) know that knowledge is the foundation of all things in existence. For knowledge is the sole energy force & power that is constantly being made manifest within the realms of reality. Knowledge is symbolic to the original blackman, who is also symbolic to the Sun, which is the foundation of our solar system. The universal black family consist of the chemical of lyfe called melanin. According to a black doctor who is an expert scientist on melanin, Dr. Richard King (& Dr. Carl Barnes), also many of their fellow scientists who are pioneering the research analysis & comparisons say that melanin can be visually observed after conception. In fact, it is the black dot that eventually forms the head (brain) of the baby. Furthermore, the dot is because it is saturated with the chemical of lyfe called melanin. We know & understand that the physical is not the "being", the being is the mind that uses the body to work in this lyfe. I believe that it will not only be found to dominate the physical body, b.u.t will be seen as te entry point. In the physical body, for "God" is in that black dot. Scientist believe that one can enhance, or empower the properties or the powers in melanin through a proper & discipline use of thought. This to me only shows & proves that there is no "spook" God, & all components in & of lyfe can be explained with physical facts. The power of thought can be explained with physical facts about melanin. Now ask yourself, if the grafted man (Caucasian) has a pineal gland like the original man (black man), b.u.t it doesn't produce melanin in sufficient amounts &/or at all, what does this tell us? "WE ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL"!!! The original man receives 90% magnetism from the sun. Black draws heat, this heat comes from the sun's rays. These rays charge our melanin & has a lot to do with the way we operate & think. Black as a color has the ability to attract to it all rays of colors & light. Black is an absorber of both light & cosmic radiation. It is he most powerful color in existence, & some of the world's most sacred icons, statues, & other images, like shrines of the black madonna can be found throughout all of Europe. The large block of stone in Mecca, called the Ka'ba is a black monolith of extreme importance to the muslim community. B.u.t the facts are very plain; black has always been & always will be a source of power & influence. Black is a generator of energy. Energy is drawn towards black substances where it can be stored or an undetermined period of time & used as needed. The sun's light is the power that enables us to strive for perfection. THE DEVIL WAS GRAFTED OUT OF THIS LIGHT by a scientist named Yacub. To this day they reject the light of the original man, meaning this knowledge that Master Fard Muhammad gave us, or brought to us, when he came to our aid. That light (knowledge) still reflects off of the caucus-Asian (Caucasian) man like a mirror. Therefore, he (un-alike) will always ive off negative manifestations. Mathematically melanin borns power (13 5 12 1 14 9 14=68=6 8=14=1 4=5). For only God possesses this "power" of light, this divine light that exists within the realm of "reality" to show God being born. This is the mental might of the magnetism constantly being manifested in the form of supreme energies of the mind. The original man's mind (brain) is the area of the body that contains twelve (12) centers of black melanin. 1 2=3 ... That borns understanding! Understanding is to "cee" clearly through your third eye, which is the "mind". Please don't find this strange, that the 12 centers of black melanin are only found in the original man's mind (brain) ... Just go back & do the knowledge to the 12 jewels of Islam. After doing the knowledge to the dictionary, black is defined as "of the color black; very dark; swarthy; of or related to various groups of dark skinned people; of or relating to the Afro-American people or their culture; soiled; dirty; lacking light; wicked, evil, magic; dismal, gloomy, & sullen". Now let us see how white is defined: "free from color; of the color of new snow or milk, especially of the color white; light or pallid in color; silvery; also made of silver; or relating to or being a member of a group or race characterized by light colored skin; free from spot or blemish; pure; innocent; blank space in printed matter; not intended to cause harm; wearing white (friars); the color of maximal lightness that characterizes objects which both reflect & transmit; te opposite of black". Now, by comparing the two, "black" & " white", you see how the Devil projects a beautiful image to the mind that white is good & black is bad. B.u.t this is only a tiny piece of the "Trick-Knowledge" he has manifested. We, the original people, were looked upon by the Devil as "Gumar-Oz-Dubar" (meaning wisdom, strength, & beauty. Derived from the Greeks, meaning G-O-D). The Devil knows that we are a beautiful people. He spends hours in the Sun or in private tanning salons to change his/her appearance. You have she-devils that won't leave home without wearing foundation (make-up) on their face (the mask). B.u.t she knows that the oiginal black woman has the everlasting foundation. At one time the Egyptian pyramids & tombs were invaded by the Devils, searching for the mummies' melanin that remained in their bodies. They would try to make these drinks in liquid form & drink it in an attempt to try & cure their leprosy. Black is the universe, so remember to continue to be who are & born this manifested knowledge to someone else. Allah sees all, Jesus (one of our righteous brothers) who possessed the knowledge of self as well said: "The kingdom of heaven lies within you" ... Peace!Sincere Build Empirical Allah is the enlightener of the author, Black King Lyfe Allah. The God, Sincere is from The Promise Land (Cleveland, Ohio), & has been in the Nation of Gods & Earths since 1998, ever since coming in time with his enlightener, Born I. Known throughout the streets of Ohio, Michigan, New York, et cetera by his righteous attribute of Allah, or by Ike-Mills.

Sincere Build Empirical Allah

Renewing Rotations

Every 25,000! Supreme Jewel is the Wisdom & Power reigning King within my circumference. This is the Sure Reality I establish myself daily, which is in constant renewal because each & every rotation presents me with a new mathematical equation. No two days are alike. 1,000 years is a day to God, so we write our history to equal our home's circumference, a year to every mile. History is our reminder.Our words, ways, actions, & deeds are being recorded in the ethers of time. Everyday we are writing history. Anything that goes on in the dark will come to the light & a deed the size of an atom, hidden deep in the earth, shall also be made manifest. Time is the chariot of justice & revealer of all truths! A guru once said "The heart is not judged by how much it loves, b.u.t by how much it is loved by others." Therefore a man's outer circumference is a reflection of the consciousness of his inner circumference. We judge a tree by it's fruits. If I'm only loved ny my A,B,&, C alikes, that can be a sign that I 'm not dealing equally in all aspects of lyfe. Because love is the highest elevation of Understanding, & when understood it's Equality. Meaning the respect is mutual. Individually we are all responsible for whatever transpires or befalls within our circumference. Which makes me the Lord And Master of Self. Never will I allow outside forces or influences to dictate the inner sanctity of my diameter. Anybody that disagrees with this is not the God of their Universe. Peace is the balance & flow of the universe. The universe is established in Order, which means natural Laws are incessantly in effect. It's a natural Law of physics, that force causes resistance & resistance often leads to confusion & disagreement. Therefore it is always a Mathematical order to doing things, & when done righteously, the reward is Love, Peace, & Happiness; which is divine order. And the Cipher will flow harmoniously for the common cause. The rituals that the Moors Science Temple of America practice was handed down by the Honorable Noble Drew Ali. All those who come from that school of thought practice & teach in that same school of thought. The Father, Allah, is who I honor, he never taught any rituals, nor any True & Living Gods I've traveled with have practiced any rituals. We study our history & have Knowledge, Wisdom, & Understanding of our origin in this world. To the Nation of Gods & Earths Islam is not a religion, & it is in organized religions where adherents practice rituals. The thing about any ritual is that they are all subject to the same fate. Anything done repetitiously eventually loses it's meaning & emotion, & becomes mechanical. Meaning the followers will only be going through the motions. We in the Nation of Gods & Earths are not even required to do the greeting with the grip of the Lion's Paw. B.u.t we understand that to be a show of solidarity, because it takes strength to pull our brothers out of a grave of ignorance. B.u.t once he is upright & exact, there is no longer any need for the Lion's Paw. Therefore it is not a ritual of the Nation of Gods & Earths. God has no religion, our history is not repeated, it is renewed every 25,000 years. It's (approximately) 24 hours in a day, & 1000 years is a day to God. Our planet travels at a rate of 1037 1/3 miles per hour. Multiply that by 24 (hours in a day) & the sum is 24,895.2 ... Which is the circumference of the planet Earth. Approximately 25,000. So we renew our history every 25,000; meaning daily, because each & every rotation presents us with a new Mathematical Equation to Master & live out. Let us not allow minute differences to get in the way of what we are building.To my A-alikes bordering the Indian ocean on the south side.

Supreme Jewel All Wise Asiatic Black Sun Allah

Thought Produced Circumstances

Infinitude is the exponent (or expressed power) of one's min being the Master (mind) of the known & the X (unknown), created an infinite reproduction of beings with finite lyfe spans or ex which has stretched from a known past, to a NOW known present, & continues to extend into the Allah known future (what many consider to be unknown). I once read that our lives are held together by the thin thread of circumstances; & I agree. From the building of the pyramids, to the infamously, cataclysmic 9/11, I ask - "How many were effected?" Those who DECIDE & CHOOSE are the distributors of circumstances. Let me NOW point out that, te prefix "circum" means: around; which suggests th act of spinning or rotation. So cee, this "thread of circumstance" that binds our lives is none other than thought! Thought being the origin of all choices & decisions --- that leads to a circumstance. Which brings us to the term "BINDING ENERGY", which is defined as: the work "required" to remove an atomic electron to an "infinitely remote position" from it's orbit. This is a profoundly clear representation of the interdependence of past/present/future (thought/choice or decision/circumstance).For those who 13 {know & understand} * that everything rotates, we exclude not, that of thought. So in reference to lyfe & it's expectancy, they say most individuals have at least 3,000 thoughts per day on average. Since our lives are measured in years, 3,000 thoughts at the conclusion of 1 year equals 1,080,000 thoughts (had), or mathematically; KNOWLEDGING the CIPHER to BUILD/DESTROY the CULTURE. Showing & proving, God, that the mind is infinite! Cause-be, 1, is the mind of Allah, 0, was the realization of his knowledge, 8, is the sybolical representative for infinity; as building & destroying is a process infinitely continual, & the 0,000, are the lives & circumstances created from the changes which the 1 determined (A.T.O.M) which is the culture or 4 ciphers. Finally God, those 1,080,000 thoughts are what makes you Ruler of the universe & qualified to make all things known, cause-be you fathered (6) the X (24)!1,080,000=9 which is IslamI SELF LORD AM MASTER OF THE KNOWN AND THE UNKNOWN, DUE TO AN INFINITE MIND! Knowledge Wisdom Understanding PEACE ZIG ZAG ZIG DOMINANT SEED ALLAH is being penalized in the form of a fifteen year bid, at Ross. He is from Warren, Ohio. His enlightener is MAGNETIC ENERGY GOD ALLAH aka M.E.G.A, from Columbus, Ohio. ZIG has a beautiful young queen in the free cipher awaiting his arrival. The God's honorable name is Ranell S. Ziegler, state #: 454-177

Zig Zag Zig Dominate Seed Allah

Injustice Cipher's Order

Peace Lord,I am because we are ................................................................................Order of operation is necessary. This is how i cee it: We got to 1} Create order, 2} Make order, 3} Systemize order, & 4} Refine order in order to operate as ALLAH. I have been collecting & connecting ideas to this degree for a nice while now. I got a good amount of detail on what, where, when, & how. Why & who is the question. I'm going to build on the structure in this build; & elaborate through future builds.CREATE: By create I mean we have to will ourselves into existence. This is the most high reality ... The beginning & ending. The idea is to create a COMMUNION between the Gods inside & outside the fences. Though we have a lot of resources (collectively) in Amerikkka, they tune, nor in harmony, with the resources on the inside of the fences. It will more than likely take for one of us to get out & demonstrate this order. We will have to bring self into existence! Until then we will have to continuously work efficiently & network with the 85%,10%, & 5% in equality. The ultimate goal is to become the most high in resources by unifying resources & struggles.MAKE: The idea of this degree is to make understanding born from area to area & era to era. This is where all structure, rank, order, etc will be molded by the best knowers, the wise, & the supreme understandings. The understandings of the supreme understandings should be shared from camp to camp, between the supreme understandings of each area in equality. Most high COMMUNICATION is key in this degree. As well as honor, chemistry, principle, etc. The goal is to make universal order in every Ohio camp, starting right here (Mecca) & then traveling on. This degree is simple & sophisticated in the same breath. It is simple because all we need is US. It is sophisticated though because in order to succeed under the circumstances we will have to network with the 85% & 10% systematically. This is the degree we are in as we write, & this is the reason why the next two degrees are important.SYSTEMIZE: This degree is probably more economical than anything. The idea is to design system to run similiar to the human body. Every CELL has a "function", & every CELL should be conscious of it's function & it's function within the system. It is a team sport & each individual must demonstrate his position for the health of the whole. Whereas the whole will function for each one teach one & feed one. The design should be twofold ... To become a cancer in the belly of the beast, while allowing the Nation to flow freely. We will infiltrate & control every necessary area of the beast; kitchen, visiting room, recreational areas, yard crew, & spread across to every block/dorm, etc. This will have to be designed in equality by the supreme understandings in order to succeed. Justice is key here.REFINE: This is the "Key of JUSTICE", which will empower the systemized order created & made by the best knowers, the wise, & the supreme understandings. This is the master islam love islam truth allah ruler why degree. The 1st & 2nd degrees are the awareness; consciousness acknowledging consciousness. The 3rd degree is the intelligence. This degree is more matter ... The flesh degree. To calculate & control the victory islam cipher love equality nation cee equality in the atmosphere in order to redirect it at the correct target is the goal. The design is to combat on all levels from paper work (Administrative Rules/legal) to weaponry.With that said I cee the entity as one that will exist of the Nation & for the Nation, though not as the Nation per se. This will exist with it's own name, which will be designed to appeal to the senses of the 85% in order to attract, govern, & enlighten in equality. It will also allow us to remain fluid & leave room for mistakes while dealing with the 10% in the belly of the beast. We could change names & keep principles if need be for equality. Proper EnlightenmentAndCivilized EqualityI A.M. ALLAH is originally from Sun city (Cincinatti). He is serving a thirteen year bid, & has two seeds (young Gods) in the free cipher. His enlightener is Universal Sun Allah, also hailing from the Sun city.

I A.M. Allah