Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Mission Of Education

What is the mission of education? Good question, b.u.t it procreates more questions. One is: Who is the educator? Another is then: Who is the educated? Finally: What is the purpose of this education? Let us look the at adverse relationship of the original people & unalikes. Ever since integration, we have been receiving the short end of the stick ... education wise. It is like they gave us something that we "thought" we wanted, only to take much more from us. The Dodecanese gave us the "right" to go to school with them, b.u.t at what cost? They took (& continue to take) the truth from us. True, we are taught arithmetic, reading, & writing ... b.u.t what about our true history? Without this essential knowledge of self, we are lost to our appropriate destination &/or potential. So the mission of education, when you are the educated, & your enemy is the educator, is to enslave the mind of you & yours. With your third eye (mind) in bondage, your potential & abilities are limited! You are unable to cee how far you can actually take things. Now, when you are educating your own kind, the dynamics change dramatically. The mission now becomes to ensure the survival & empowerment of your alikes. This is accomplished through degrees of understanding. Once you have a clear mental picture of your abilities, potential, & purpose >>> you can then play your position in the survival & empowerment of your people (nation).Proper EducationAllowsCreativeEndeavors

Black King Lyfe Allah

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