Thursday, November 20, 2014

Renewing Rotations

Every 25,000! Supreme Jewel is the Wisdom & Power reigning King within my circumference. This is the Sure Reality I establish myself daily, which is in constant renewal because each & every rotation presents me with a new mathematical equation. No two days are alike. 1,000 years is a day to God, so we write our history to equal our home's circumference, a year to every mile. History is our reminder.Our words, ways, actions, & deeds are being recorded in the ethers of time. Everyday we are writing history. Anything that goes on in the dark will come to the light & a deed the size of an atom, hidden deep in the earth, shall also be made manifest. Time is the chariot of justice & revealer of all truths! A guru once said "The heart is not judged by how much it loves, b.u.t by how much it is loved by others." Therefore a man's outer circumference is a reflection of the consciousness of his inner circumference. We judge a tree by it's fruits. If I'm only loved ny my A,B,&, C alikes, that can be a sign that I 'm not dealing equally in all aspects of lyfe. Because love is the highest elevation of Understanding, & when understood it's Equality. Meaning the respect is mutual. Individually we are all responsible for whatever transpires or befalls within our circumference. Which makes me the Lord And Master of Self. Never will I allow outside forces or influences to dictate the inner sanctity of my diameter. Anybody that disagrees with this is not the God of their Universe. Peace is the balance & flow of the universe. The universe is established in Order, which means natural Laws are incessantly in effect. It's a natural Law of physics, that force causes resistance & resistance often leads to confusion & disagreement. Therefore it is always a Mathematical order to doing things, & when done righteously, the reward is Love, Peace, & Happiness; which is divine order. And the Cipher will flow harmoniously for the common cause. The rituals that the Moors Science Temple of America practice was handed down by the Honorable Noble Drew Ali. All those who come from that school of thought practice & teach in that same school of thought. The Father, Allah, is who I honor, he never taught any rituals, nor any True & Living Gods I've traveled with have practiced any rituals. We study our history & have Knowledge, Wisdom, & Understanding of our origin in this world. To the Nation of Gods & Earths Islam is not a religion, & it is in organized religions where adherents practice rituals. The thing about any ritual is that they are all subject to the same fate. Anything done repetitiously eventually loses it's meaning & emotion, & becomes mechanical. Meaning the followers will only be going through the motions. We in the Nation of Gods & Earths are not even required to do the greeting with the grip of the Lion's Paw. B.u.t we understand that to be a show of solidarity, because it takes strength to pull our brothers out of a grave of ignorance. B.u.t once he is upright & exact, there is no longer any need for the Lion's Paw. Therefore it is not a ritual of the Nation of Gods & Earths. God has no religion, our history is not repeated, it is renewed every 25,000 years. It's (approximately) 24 hours in a day, & 1000 years is a day to God. Our planet travels at a rate of 1037 1/3 miles per hour. Multiply that by 24 (hours in a day) & the sum is 24,895.2 ... Which is the circumference of the planet Earth. Approximately 25,000. So we renew our history every 25,000; meaning daily, because each & every rotation presents us with a new Mathematical Equation to Master & live out. Let us not allow minute differences to get in the way of what we are building.To my A-alikes bordering the Indian ocean on the south side.

Supreme Jewel All Wise Asiatic Black Sun Allah

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