Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Greatest Story Never Told Questions-Compiled By Black King Lyfe Allah

1-Who wrote the GSNT? When? Why?
2-When was Father Allah born? Where?
3-What was Father Allah's parents' names?
4-How many siblings did Father Allah have?
5-What was Father Allah's name, given to him by his parents?
6-What was his nickname as a child? Who gave him this name?
7-How did Father Allah & his siblings refer to the Caucasians? 
8-What was the address of the family?
9-Where did the children spend their summers?
10-What was one of Father Allah's favorite past times, that he was good at?
11-Whom did his brothers compare him to due to this talent?
12-Whose lyfe did he save with this skill? 
13-Why did Louis, Father Allah's O'Sun, fight (& beat up) a white man in front of their home?
14-What did Father Allah & his siblings do while this was transpiring?
15-When did Father Allah move to Now Why (New York)?
16-What did his nickname become from this point on?
17-What was one of Father Allah's first hustles in Now Why?
18-What became one of his favorite hobbies that he grew to love to do?
19-What is the name of the first girl that Father Allah had blessed with his divine seed (twice)?
20-Did he marry her? Why or why not?
21-What is the name of the second girl that Father Allah blessed with his divine seed? Did he marry this one?
23-What branch of the military did Father Allah join?
24-What war did he go to fight in?
25-How did Father Allah send money home while in the military?
26-What temple did Father Allah join once he came home from the military?
27-Who was the minister at this temple?
28-Whom did Father Allah meet in the temple & become close with?
29-What was Father Allah's initial duty in the temple? 
30-What was Father Allah's responsibility as lieutenant in the temple?
31-What made Father Allah's self style wisdom (speech) hypnotic?
32-While Father Allah was a Student Minister, what name did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad bestow upon him?
33-What was Father Allah speaking on when Captain Joseph cleared the room & told Father Allah couldn't teach what he was teaching?
34-What year did Father Allah leave the temple?
35-What realization did Father Allah come to after leaving the temple? 
36-Who are the 85%, 10%, & 5%?
37-What is God's job, according to Father Allah's understanding?
38-Why did Father Allah decide to focus his attention on the youth?
39-What are the Supreme Mathematics & Supreme Alphabets? What are their purpose?
40-Who was Father Allah's first student? Why?
41-What is a "knowledge seed"? 
42-What are the names of the first nine born?
43-Where did the science of "Father" Allah come from?
44-What are some of the teachings Father Allah taught the children? 
45-When was the first assassination attempt on Father Allah? By Whom?
46-Why was Father Allah placed in the psychiatric unit of Bellevue?
47-Why was Father Allah sent to Mattawan?
48-Where was the first Universal Parliament held? When? 
49-What did Father Allah say to the Muslims when they attempted to disrupt the Universal Parliament? 
50-Who was the Mayor of Now Why at this time? What was the name of his aid that interacted with Father Allah on behalf of the Mayor? 
51-What is the address of Allah School In Mecca (Allah's Street Academy)?
52-Who designed the Universal Flag?
53-On April 4th, 1968, what happened that affected the entire United States, & how did the Gods respond?
54-When & where was Father Allah murdered?

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