Thursday, November 20, 2014

Peace & Blessings To Man, Woman, & Child,

What's the science everyone? I trust & build that you all are doing the knowledge to what you are bringing into existence. As for self, I-King am striving to get the original Muslims (Blackwomen = the first to submit to the will of Allah) to do the knowledge to God, by evolving into the excellence of Earth (Equality = [E]arth's [QUALITY] >>> Quality = excellence.

Today's mathematics is Knowledge Born, all being born to Knowledge Cipher, which in turn borns Knowledge. The way I cee this is it is my duty, as a civilized person, to make Knowledge Born to the True & Living Gods that it is very important to always Know(ledge) your Cipher's (wisdom body) attitude. Especially when it comes to interacting with others, because her attitude is going to be the foundation (Knowledge) of how she interacts & communicates with others (Knowledge + Born = Knowledge + Cipher = Knowledge >>> 1 + 9 = 1 + 0 = 1). More so, other Earths, especially those just coming into the warmth & radiance of our beautiful Nation (of Gods & Earths). 
This build stems from knowledge born to me by my Queen, Black Queen, over the phone today. You see, she is in communication with a fellow Earth, Queen Divine Wisdom, & Queen Divine Wisdom has been experiencing cold currents from our beloved sisters in this Nation. According to her, it seems that the Earths are on some high school stuff, meaning cliqued up, & not allowing others to penetrate their cipher. First of all, this is information I am receiving third party, & secondly, I do understand one's hesitation to accept new adherents to our principles, procedures, & values. However, this is a symptom of slavery >>> distrust! We are the original people of the planet Earth, & to me that means we are to move in a fashion that is close as possible to the ORIGINAL behavior of Black people. This is one of the major lessons Father Allah taught us when he was walking across this Earth. 
I trust some of you are askng why am I addressing the Gods, as oppose to the Earths (accused of this behavior). Because the Earth is always going to reflect the energy of her God. Many of us (Gods) have come in time with Jive Pretenders, Lips Professors, Snakes of the Grafted type, et cetera, & have had to slay said individuals. B.u.t that is the Hell being spoken about in the Knowledge Wisdom (12) degree of the Supreme Alphabets. We must go through that hell in order to come out right. Did you not learn a lesson from those experiences? Is the lesson not a form of you coming out right? I say Why Equals Self (YES). 
When Father Allah came home from Mattawan, during our first Universal Parliament, his greeting of Peace was met by a "THUNDEROUS" response of Peace, by thousands of Gods & Earths! My point is we add on in this culture. By exerting cold currents, our people (Gods & Earths) discourage individuals from coming amongst the True & Living. Sure enough, everyone will not be build to stand up under the responsibility of being a righteous & civilized person, b.u.t at least make Knowledge Born by allowing them within the realm of the righteous. Once they do the Knowledge to the Cipher, they will Know(ledge) whether or not they are ready & willing to withstand the duties of a civilized person. 
So in summary, Gods: Teach the Earths to always do the knowledge first, because by closing of their cipher to potential Earths (or like in this case, fellow Earths) they may hindering the growth of a master builder. Earths: Please take into consideration the fact that someone took the time out to do the knowledge to, become wise to, & understand you. Besides Queens, with those that are in your cipher, you have access to multiple understandings. Thus whatever you do not catch, I am quite certain another sister (or brother) will pick up on it, & should you all decide that this person is a snake of the grafted type ... Well, you know what to do! 


The True & Living Sun Of Man,

Black King Lyfe Allah-452

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