Thursday, November 20, 2014

Universal Flag

The flag of the Nation of Gods & Earths consists of a cipher with eight points surrounding it's perimeter. Each point has two sides to it. One side is black & the other side is gold. The two shades represents all the human families of the planet Earth. The human families are located all over the planet Earth - this is what the eight points surrounding the cipher's perimeter symbolizes.The Cipher is a 360 degree circle which represents Allah (the Universe). The cipher is the origin of all lyfe. The cipher also symbolizes "no beginning or ending", therefore, lyfe or existence has always been.Enclosed in the cipher is the number seven, the crescent moon, & the five point star. The seven represents man who is the sole controller & ruler of his family. In other words, man is the "only" one capable of giving & sustaining order. If you look deeply at the way the solar system is designed & functions, you will notice that the sun possesses more power than the moon, stars, & planets. Everything rotates or moves in accordance to the gravitational pull of the sun - in the same manner a woman & child rotates & moves in accordance to the man. If man rotates or moves recklessly, so will his family. Whatever direction man moves in, his family will maintain that order.The crescent moon represents woman. The moon receives light (lyfe) from the sun & reflects it upon the star(s). In a similar manner woman receives lyfe from man, both mentally & physically. Mentally through the man's wise words, ways, & actions. Physically through the responsible act of consummation between man & woman. How man chooses to communicate with his woman will be mimicked onto the child. How man choose to handle people & situations - his woman will handle people & situations in a similar manner. Our words & ways make up our actions. Women reflect their man's actions at home & abroad. So more often than not, the woman & child will maintain or live in accordance to how the man, or men, in their lives move. The star represents the child. Stars justify the light of the sun. In a-like manner the child justifies the truth of his father & mother. Simply put - the child maintains civility even in the midst of chaos, or when those around them tempt them to live in opposition to how their father & mother nurtured, protected, loved, respected, & educated them. The child is the best part of lyfe, or the best thing that a man & woman together can produce. The child is the link to the future - meaning our determined ideas to achieve national consciousness, community control, & an universal government of peace will be carried out & achieved by the children. Together the seven, crescent moon, & five point star is a manifestation of the cipher - the continuation of lyfe; showing & proving that Allah is God, always has been & always will be. Peace Sa'ra Power Self Allah is a powerful builder from the family tree of Supreme Allah. He has been a productive citizen of the Nation of Gods & Earths for close to three years. Power Self is a proud father of a young King, "Young Power".

Sa'ra Power Self Allah

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