Thursday, November 20, 2014

Black Is Beautiful

All colors in the universe come from black. Therefore black is the original, & anything that is grafted from this magnificent blackness is considered a copy from the original. Therefore, making black the Master (13) of all copies. In Genesis it says that in the beginning darkness (blackness) was on the face of the deep. Then God said "Let there be light" (whiteness). Now those who have a wise dome (wisdom), look deep between the lines. It says: "& God divided LIGHT from DARKNESS. This light that was divided away from darkness, I see as being the recessive gene. What is a real Devil? (33:40) Answer: A grafted man which is mafe weak & wicked, or any live grafted germ from the original man is Devil ... Now, not only is this relevant, b.u.t it is also relative to the 30th degree of the 1-40 ... Tell us, how was the Devil made? Answer: The Devil was made from the original people by GRAFTING & SEPARATING the germs. In the blackman's body there exist two germs; one a black germ & one a brown germ. Germ borns God: 7 5 18 13=43=7. Born-U-Truth, Yacub with his laws on birth control, separated the brown germ from the black germ & grafted it into the white germ by destroying the black germ (God). After following this process years the germ became white & was no more original. Also, by thinning the "original blood", the germ became weak & wicked & was no more the same. Thus, this is how Yacub made the Devil. Using the Supreme Mathematical system, black borns knowledge & U-N-I (you & I) know that knowledge is the foundation of all things in existence. For knowledge is the sole energy force & power that is constantly being made manifest within the realms of reality. Knowledge is symbolic to the original blackman, who is also symbolic to the Sun, which is the foundation of our solar system. The universal black family consist of the chemical of lyfe called melanin. According to a black doctor who is an expert scientist on melanin, Dr. Richard King (& Dr. Carl Barnes), also many of their fellow scientists who are pioneering the research analysis & comparisons say that melanin can be visually observed after conception. In fact, it is the black dot that eventually forms the head (brain) of the baby. Furthermore, the dot is because it is saturated with the chemical of lyfe called melanin. We know & understand that the physical is not the "being", the being is the mind that uses the body to work in this lyfe. I believe that it will not only be found to dominate the physical body, b.u.t will be seen as te entry point. In the physical body, for "God" is in that black dot. Scientist believe that one can enhance, or empower the properties or the powers in melanin through a proper & discipline use of thought. This to me only shows & proves that there is no "spook" God, & all components in & of lyfe can be explained with physical facts. The power of thought can be explained with physical facts about melanin. Now ask yourself, if the grafted man (Caucasian) has a pineal gland like the original man (black man), b.u.t it doesn't produce melanin in sufficient amounts &/or at all, what does this tell us? "WE ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL"!!! The original man receives 90% magnetism from the sun. Black draws heat, this heat comes from the sun's rays. These rays charge our melanin & has a lot to do with the way we operate & think. Black as a color has the ability to attract to it all rays of colors & light. Black is an absorber of both light & cosmic radiation. It is he most powerful color in existence, & some of the world's most sacred icons, statues, & other images, like shrines of the black madonna can be found throughout all of Europe. The large block of stone in Mecca, called the Ka'ba is a black monolith of extreme importance to the muslim community. B.u.t the facts are very plain; black has always been & always will be a source of power & influence. Black is a generator of energy. Energy is drawn towards black substances where it can be stored or an undetermined period of time & used as needed. The sun's light is the power that enables us to strive for perfection. THE DEVIL WAS GRAFTED OUT OF THIS LIGHT by a scientist named Yacub. To this day they reject the light of the original man, meaning this knowledge that Master Fard Muhammad gave us, or brought to us, when he came to our aid. That light (knowledge) still reflects off of the caucus-Asian (Caucasian) man like a mirror. Therefore, he (un-alike) will always ive off negative manifestations. Mathematically melanin borns power (13 5 12 1 14 9 14=68=6 8=14=1 4=5). For only God possesses this "power" of light, this divine light that exists within the realm of "reality" to show God being born. This is the mental might of the magnetism constantly being manifested in the form of supreme energies of the mind. The original man's mind (brain) is the area of the body that contains twelve (12) centers of black melanin. 1 2=3 ... That borns understanding! Understanding is to "cee" clearly through your third eye, which is the "mind". Please don't find this strange, that the 12 centers of black melanin are only found in the original man's mind (brain) ... Just go back & do the knowledge to the 12 jewels of Islam. After doing the knowledge to the dictionary, black is defined as "of the color black; very dark; swarthy; of or related to various groups of dark skinned people; of or relating to the Afro-American people or their culture; soiled; dirty; lacking light; wicked, evil, magic; dismal, gloomy, & sullen". Now let us see how white is defined: "free from color; of the color of new snow or milk, especially of the color white; light or pallid in color; silvery; also made of silver; or relating to or being a member of a group or race characterized by light colored skin; free from spot or blemish; pure; innocent; blank space in printed matter; not intended to cause harm; wearing white (friars); the color of maximal lightness that characterizes objects which both reflect & transmit; te opposite of black". Now, by comparing the two, "black" & " white", you see how the Devil projects a beautiful image to the mind that white is good & black is bad. B.u.t this is only a tiny piece of the "Trick-Knowledge" he has manifested. We, the original people, were looked upon by the Devil as "Gumar-Oz-Dubar" (meaning wisdom, strength, & beauty. Derived from the Greeks, meaning G-O-D). The Devil knows that we are a beautiful people. He spends hours in the Sun or in private tanning salons to change his/her appearance. You have she-devils that won't leave home without wearing foundation (make-up) on their face (the mask). B.u.t she knows that the oiginal black woman has the everlasting foundation. At one time the Egyptian pyramids & tombs were invaded by the Devils, searching for the mummies' melanin that remained in their bodies. They would try to make these drinks in liquid form & drink it in an attempt to try & cure their leprosy. Black is the universe, so remember to continue to be who are & born this manifested knowledge to someone else. Allah sees all, Jesus (one of our righteous brothers) who possessed the knowledge of self as well said: "The kingdom of heaven lies within you" ... Peace!Sincere Build Empirical Allah is the enlightener of the author, Black King Lyfe Allah. The God, Sincere is from The Promise Land (Cleveland, Ohio), & has been in the Nation of Gods & Earths since 1998, ever since coming in time with his enlightener, Born I. Known throughout the streets of Ohio, Michigan, New York, et cetera by his righteous attribute of Allah, or by Ike-Mills.

Sincere Build Empirical Allah

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