Thursday, November 20, 2014


I was reading some literature & came across the word "community". In an instant I deciphered the word & could cee the word "unity". However, what word was being represented by the letters c-o-m-m? Was it commune or common? In the Amerikkkan Heritage College dictionary, commune is defined as: To be in a state of intimate, heightened sensitivity & receptivity, as with one's surroundings. Webster's II New College dictionary says: To be in accord or agreement. Common is defined as: Belonging to, shared by, or applying equally; joint. Now we know community to be ... Rather we "commonly" assume community to be our environment. However, community is not the place or surroundings, b.u.t the people. Once one comes to understand the word community, (s)he will then realize that it is actually a group or society of individuals that are one (united), with a common quest (or common purpose). They must Cee (C) Cipher (O) Master (M) Mass (M) UNITY (COMMUNITY) in order to achieve their goal(s). Which is victory. To cee unity is the first step. A goal must be brought into existence mentally in order to be victorious physically. Next the cipher of unity must be established. The group has to attain all necessary resources so they can be complete within self. Supreme knowledge & understanding of their circumference makes them the masters, masters of unity. Mass implies there is substance, which are the totality of the people that make up the group. Mathematics is everything & everything is mathematics. So Gods, Earths, brothers, & sisters ... Let us Cee Oipher Master Mass UNITY & take our rightful place on the planet Earth. Powerful

Black King Lyfe Allah

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