Saturday, November 28, 2015

Peace to Every Man, Woman, and Child,
First of all I would like to begin this build by thanking everyone that sent self their energy on my glorious bornday. Now, shall we build? Good, let us get it. Understanding Born miles (39 years) ago I was born through the womb of my O'Earth. The year was 1976 - which is born to power (1+9+7+6=2+3=5). That was the year of wise words producing power, I think that is how I came into existence: My O'Sun utilizing the right words to cause Earthquakes within my O'Earth. Those wise words brought forth the true of emotions of my O'Earth for him, which allowed him to plant his seed (self) in her womb. 
Never the less, I-King am at the physical degree of UNDERSTANDING BORN, which is all being born to KNOWLEDGE WISDOM, which borns UNDERSTANDING. So basically I am at the degree of lyfe in which I must always understand that which I-King bring into existence. This is accomplished through self knowing what is the wisest path to take in order to accomplish any goal(s) I set for self. Now once I do knowledge the most prudent method(s), I-King then must bear the fruit of these thoughts through my ways and actions. This all will ensure that I Self Lord Am Master UNDERSTANDS that which I BORN. 
Also, growing up in the ghetto of Medina, Now Why (Brooklyn, New York), I never thought I-King would ever make it to reach the physical degree of Wisdom Knowledge, or Wisdom Power, let alone the mile of Understanding Born. You see, I grew up in the streets literally, because I was one of those children whose parent(s) did not know how to raise their seeds, so they kicked their seeds out of doors. Being homeless as a child in the streets of Medina is symbolic to being in a war torn country. Yet and still, I made it to the point in which I have been blessed with the opportunity to live and see the day when the Gods take the Devil into hell, by becoming ALLAH and in my own good time taking the Devil off my (mental) plane(t). The Devil did not teach self this, due to his desire to make a slave out of self, so he can rob self and live in luxury. Since I-King have reached this stage in lyfe, I-God (7) am able to born (9) words, ways, and actions (2) that are balanced (6). 
I read the Elder's, Abu Shahid (according to my understanding there are only culture [4] elders: Allah, Old Man Justice, Abu Shahid, and Hebekah. Everyone else are "OLDER GODS" - not elders/elder Gods), book - in which he built on his on his physical degree at the time, which was GOD GOD. So he took it to the God God degree of the 120: The KNOWLEDGE GOD degree of the second Muslim lesson. In tradition to this science, the UNDERSTANDING BORN degree of 120 is the WISDOM BORN degree of the English Lesson C-1: "DID THEY RECEIVE MORE GOLD?" I trust you are wondering how does this pertain to self >>> well, according to Riverside Webster's II New College Dictionary, "gold" is defined as either "riches" (third definition) or "Something highly valued, as for purity or goodness" (fifth definition). Riches are not necessarily money, riches can be anything that is precious (like my family), of great value or worth (like my lyfe), abounding, especially in natural resources (like my mind), or extremely productive (like my efforts). Something highly valued can be any of the things mentioned above. So did they receive more family, lyfe, mind, or efforts on my part? EMPHATICALLY WHY EQUALS SELF (HELL YEAH)!!! Who are the "they" spoken of in this degree of my lyfe? Those that are within my circumference, from my beloved Queen, Black Queen, to all my children, to my brothers and sisters within the Nation of Gods and Earths. They will receive "more gold" due to self's ability to understand everything I-King born. Ask them all when this revolution is over with, they will be able to testify to this reality. 


The True & Living Sun of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah

Saturday, October 31, 2015

By Black King Lyfe Allah

Peace to Man, Woman and Child,

Why is there so much hate on the internet? This person doesn't like that person, that person can't stand this person, and so on and so on. At one time you liked them enough to share your lyfe, or at least parts of it, with them. You could stand them enough to get close to you. B.u.t now that they are doing or did something that you do not agree with, you are done with the entire gender? YOU are crazy! I am blessed to have my Queen in my lyfe, b.u.t if I did not, NO woman is strong enough to have me give up on all women. 
I do understand the dynamics of a relationship and how things do not always work according to how we think they should. B.u.t let me ask you this: Where do we get this ideology of how things should work? From our own personal awareness, experience and understanding of lyfe! Therefore it is extremely difficult to find someone of the opposite sex to share the exact same ideologies as us. Thus it takes WORK to make a relationship WORK! 
I think too many times we as human beings that have conquered the animals of planet Earth try to control and change the people in our lives to our own personal liking. The key is not so much in changing them, it lies in changing self. That is called SACRIFICE - which is the foundation of COMMITMENT. There is nothing or noone you can be committed to without sacrifice. 
So, if you are so fed up with the opposite sex, look at self and ask: "What have I sacrificed in my last [?] relationships?" Ooooohhh Nnnnooo, you do not get off that easily - So if you are done with the opposite sex, who do you plan on being in relationships with? Homos? How well do you think that is going to go? Do you think that gay people do not have relationship issues? Watch the Jerry Springer Show for seven days and I bet you will see a gay couple with relationship problems. Relationship issues are a part of being in a relationship, why do you think most countries have military forces? So when relationships go sour, they can protect their interests. Relationships have issues because no two, or group of, humans are the same ... there will be differences. It is all about how you handle and respond to these degrees of difference. 
Now, to all you women that are "in a relationship with Jesus" - I respect your decision to be a Christian, however, how in the hell are you in a relationship with someone you can not relate to? The man is dead. Is this something you tell your self to keep up the facade that you are content with your lyfe? Or do you say this because you want a man as perfect as they told Jesus was? Think about it, I do not even expect an answer, that is something I want you to figure out for self. Because Jesus is NOT coming back - and no he never did say he was! He said the Son of Man would return! The Son of Man is all around you, so I suggest you dump Jesus (not your culture of righteousness), and grab you up one of these Sons of Man. Peace!

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

By Black King Lyfe Allah

Peace to Man, Woman and Child,

My Queen, Black Queen Sentient Earth recently received her Holy attribute of Allah, after completing and showing and proving her understanding of the Student enrollment. Then like many of us she experienced a degree of resistance from those that are blind dumb to their true self. After she and I built upon the issue, she brought it to our beloved Nation for the purpose of building with other like minded individuals. However, all everyone said in response to her build, which clearly conveys the desire to add on with others, was "Peace". Now brothers and sisters, this is NOT an attack. Instead, this is self simply making 19 to one of our many issues as a Nation. 
First of all, PEACE is NOT a password. It is not to be used to gain access to the jewels of those that possess the best parts of lyfe. Peace is a GREETING. Meaning it is suppose to be used to as a word that shows recgonizition of another. Not to describe how you cee something. Imagine if you spent your time and energy putting together a powerful build, then you shared it with someone close to you. What would you think if said person simply responded with "That was ALRIGHT"? Personally, I would question this person's understanding of my efforts. Beause "ALRIGHT" can mean a plethora of sentiments. The same thing goes for the word Peace amongst the Nation of Gods and Earths. 
When I first became a citizen of this Nation, I use to wonder how in the hell can someone come across these lessons, and decide to leave such Holiness to live a lyfe of religion, savagery, et cetera? I think the lack of intimate interaction amongst those that have been living this culture for many more miles than the average plays a part. Like what Black Queen has just experienced. Think about this please, and give a bit of your time to address the issue that Black Queen Sentient Earth has put out there for us to build upon. Key word being "BUILD" - which means to add on or elevate on positively. 
To the Earth, I Medina Peaceful Earth: your build in the book, Knowledge Of Self, has help Black Queen tremendously. Yet your response to her S.O.S has caused a bit of confusion. Being that your attribute is "PEACEFUL" - I-King think it is your responsbility to alleviate this confusion. Being as "PEACEFUL" implies devoid of confusion. So Earth, I humbly ask you to reach out to your sister and elevate on positively. 
Finally, to all those that come in the name of Allah - we are not only a Nation, b.u.t we are also a FAMILY. I think we should move in such a fashion. Trust and know I realize that there are those that come amongst us to try to cause trouble amongst the righteous people ... B.u.t that should not concern us so much. Why not? Because Father Allah has blessed us with the Supreme Mathematics and Supreme Alphabets - our THIRTY SIX KEYS - or as the Wu Tang Clan says: 36 Chambers - and many (about 85%) can not travel through the entire 36 chambers. Meaning when we utilize our thirty six keys, we know who and what we are dealing with at all times. And knowing every aspect (square inch), we choose for self the best part, we do not care about the poor parts. Now if these parts reveal wickedness, what do we do? Muhammad showed us (through our lessons) that if we have that knowledge of a cipher, it is the responsibility of us civilized to slay said Devil(s). 
No people, I am not advocating that you physically kill these people. From my time in the streets of ghetto Amerikkka, I-King have learnt that there are many ways to assassinate someone:
Et cetera
So do not do like the Gods, Malik, Walik, Eye God, Latif, Jahad and Rahim, better known as the Harlem Six. (If you do not know, do the knowledge! - If you do know, you get my point.) 
Bottom line, build with one another, especially if someone reaches out to you (directly or indirectly). Because NOW is the time for us to come together and build a strong righteous NATION, and put an END to the Devil's uncivilization, right? I Love You All. Peace

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Time Getting Done-by Black King Lyfe Allah

Recidivism is not solely a response to a lack of rehabilitation on part of the municipality that convicted the repeat offender. There are a plethora of laws, rules, regulations, and codes against crime. Some citizens disregard this reality due to their amoral state of mind, or the obstacles and challenges they face on a daily basis. Then other citizens lack the knowlege to do anything other than what is presented to them, which is crime ... Thus a criminal lyfestyle is cultivated. Which will most likely result in either incarceration and/or death. When an individual finds themselves in prison, their opportunity for personal refinement does not evaporate ... It becomes that person's responsibility to put forth the necessary effort for change. However, there are many elements that are essential in the decision and process of personal rehabilitation.
There are a variety of variables that contribute to someone being convicted and sent to prison. Some people find themselves in prison due to a lack of adequate education. So in their mind, criminal activity is their only option. Also, there is that low percentage of convicts that were products of false accusation. Nonetheless, this does not change the need for change, because obviously there is (or was) someone and/or something that is not (or was not) right within their cipher. Another reason one might be sent to prison is because they have failed to properly plan, and as the saying goes: "If you fail to plan; you plan to fail." When one does not have an objective and a plan in which they intend to achieve said objective, then most likely this person will fail ... Whether the failure is falling short of their goals, or grasping at any floating idea that comes in close proximity. Being a slave to one's lower self, a person can wind up in the confines of a prison house. Urges are more of an emotional decision, desires are pretty much selfish intentions, and appetites are mostly physical manifestations. So it is no surprise that victims of bondage of this aspect of self experience one of the criminal injustice system's plush abodes. Finally, some prisoners were misled by others with vilipending intentions.
Regardless to what decision(s) escorts someone through the threshold of penitentiaries, there is so much to do behind the walls and fences of prison; some good, some bad, some ugly, others special ed. Some of the positive resources available are libraries, schooling, vocations, as well as other mental, spiritual, and physical developing programs. The library obviously has books ... And through these books one can learn so much about not only the world, b.u.t the universe. Should a prisoner want to attain formal education, they can go to school - from Adult Basic Education to college courses. If an academic education is not their forte, there are also vocational training where prisoners can learn trades. As for as those mental, spiritual, and physical enhancing programs, the mental can be stimulated through the thought provoking opporttunities such as "Thinking For a Change", "Brand New", "Oasis", and "Bridging the Gap." To spiritually grow, there are a number of faith based events and programs. Physical empowerment can be attained through one of the many recreational occurrences.
The reasons why an inmate may not take advantage of the rehabilitation resources provided by the administration can vary:

1) PEER PRESSURE - Some people take pride in being criminals and do not want their friends and associates to empower themselves by getting theirs lives together through rehabilitation.

2) EMBARASSMENT OF A LACKING, OR NO, EDUCATION - Due to their poor education, some inmates do not want to be exposed, and refuse help because of this fear of exposure.

3) DEVOTION TO A LYFE OF CRIME - Despite the hardships that come with living a lyfe of crime, such as violence, fear, incarceration, et cetera, there are those that would not choose any other lyfestyle. Hence, rehabilitation is not even an option for them.

4) PREOCCUPIED WITH PRISON POLITICS - The awes of politics inside prison captivates some of these people's mind so strongly that the thought of change does not even have the slightest chance of survival.

5) LACK OF REMORSE - The etymology of the word "penitentiary" is the Latin word "paenitens", which means "penitent." The definition of penitent is:
"Feeling or exhibiting remorse for one's sins or misdeeds." There may just be no cause or reason for remorse in their mind.

Things people do instead of growing and developing while in prison can vary. Thers are those that are (or become) sexual deviants and partake in all kinds of homosexual activities. Others are stuck in their second childhood and play games all day and everyday. These games come in many different forms and fashions: cards, sports, boardgames, dominoes, joking, et cetera. Also, the reality of drug addiction prevents many from evolvinginto someone better than who they currently are.
The solution to this issue of lack of participation in personal rehabilitation are abundant, b.u.t staff plays a major role. Being that the decision to change is a personal one for the prisoner, there needs to be unique approaches. Everyone does not learn the same way. So there should be programs based on this fact alone. Being in prison means one has to interact with staff members that are paid to assist inmates with the issues. However, a lot of these staff members lack the necessary emotional control to be in a position of assistance. Also, many of those staff membersdo not relate to the people they are required to assist. Therefore, there should be training units in place that will teach these employees about the environment, circumstances, and struggles that produce these prisoners. As well as training units that will educate the employees on controlling their emotions, there should also be a measuring system to ensure their ability to control their emotions before hiring, with spontaneous testing throughout their tenture.
Recidivism is a result of many factors, and a prisonernot utilizing their time wisely is the main one. People think that they are put in prison to be penalized, b.u.t if they would simply see it as an opportunity to become superstars, maybe they would use their time in prison to empower themselves. There are many reasons to decide to grow as a person, and it is on eeveryone around these prisoners to encourage this activity among inmates. Directly associated with this ideology is a support system backing prisoners in and out of prison. Indirectly, society needs to do away with the stigma of ex-cons being worthless members of society.

By Black King Lyfe Allah

[S]ometimes [E]fficent [P]lanning [T]akes
KNOWLEDGE (1) Of Which Is The WISEST (2)
ABILITIES (5) One Possesses To Produce 
COMPLETION (0) Of Their Goals-by Black King Lyfe Allah

I cee today's mathematics as the science of planning. First of all one must do the Knowledge to their desires/goals, and then apply the proper Wisdom to achieve said desires/goals. Which will most likely produce the Fruit (Understanding - knowledge and wisdom is all being born to understanding). Looking at the knowledge wisdom degree in the King's Culture lesson (1-14's), we notice how this science is supported. The degree asks: What is the meaning of F.O.I.? FRUIT of I.S.L.A.M. - This is the product of one taking control of their lyfe and utilizing their abilities to bring into existence any and everything they desire and work towards. Shall we break it down so that it is easier to teach? Good, let us build, and possibly destroy!
I.S.L.A.M. is an acronym that expounds on the true culture of Original people: [I] [S]elf [L]ord [A]m [M]aster, or [I] [S]incerely [L]ove [A]llah's [M]athematics, or [I] [S]tudy [L]yfe [A]round [M]e. Then we have "fruit", which is the "result" or "outcome" of efforts put forth. Thus, the Fruit of I.S.L.A.M is the results or outcome of doing the knowledge to one's cipher and applying said knowledge to any given science of lyfe that one desires to enhance, understand, or destroy. 
This is something that the Devil will never teach you, because he desires to make slaves out of all he can, so he can rob you all and live in luxury (12:40). In other words, those that are against righteousness (the "right" and "wise" way of lyfe) will not show you how to put your energies into something that is conducive to prosperity, because if you were to become self sufficent, the Devil could not utilize your labor and studies to produce for him/her (slavery). Nor would they be able to take anything from you (robbery) when you study lyfe around you and realize that some come amongst you just to cause trouble. Leaving the Devil on the poor (lacking) part of any cipher ... No luxuries for heeem! 
So, in essence people: today shows and proves to me that I-King must always be doing the knowledge and planning accordingly, if I want to produce the results I deem appropriate within any cipher I-King place self in. For self, I know one of my greastest talents is writing, thus I wisely utilize this skill (ability) to complete my goal of teaching the masses through these cyber ciphers. Also, I use it to connect with like minded (alikes and others) individuals I-King can build with. 


Critical Thinking-by Black King Lyfe Allah

Critical: 1. Tending to judge harshly and adversely. 2. Marked by careful and exact judgment and evaluation. Thinking/Think: 1. To have or formulate in the mind. 2. (a) To reason about or reflect on: PONDER. (b) To decide by thinking. 

Many of our people come in contact with people, places, and things, and tend to take them on face value. We do not weight it with the scales of truth, or measure it with the ruler of facts. Instead we consider the source, circumstances, or feelings involved and move blindly from that position. 
However, many of us do not know how to "critically think" about ciphers within our circumference. We were never taught how to think critically, or even how to think at all for that matter. Looking at the definitions above, we see that to be critical is to judge something or someone, usually harshly. B.u.t in order to judge, we need some sort of scale to balance out our results. Basically a moral, value, or principle based code to compare all other things with. For the Nation of Gods & Earths, it is our eight point curriculum, more specificly our Supreme Mathematics. You cee, we do the knowledge, through observation, and apply the acquired knowledge, which we call wisdom, in order to reach a degree of understanding - clear mental picture. When you study, which is the process of attaining knowledge through observation or research, you are better equipped to utilize the awareness acquired for the purpose of growth and development of self, both individualisticly and collectively. Finally enabling you to cee things for what they actually are, and not what they appear to be.
Many civilizations throughout time have understood this reality, and have labeled it according to their language and point of development at the time of understanding. The most contemporary is what is classified as the "scientific method". Which basically consist of the following:
-Study (Observation)
-Guesses (Hypothesis)
Science is the measurement of reality, and this method allows one to measure reality through these steps. For example: Once one is given a degree within the Nation of Gods & Earths, they (should) first do the knowledge to the degree, basically study the degree until they can recite it by memory and know what is factual. Next there is the process of guessing what they think is meant by the words of this degree, and how they might be able to live said degree out in real time. Afterwards they experiment with their hypothesis by implementing the principles of this degree in the environment around them. Finally, after all this, they come to an understanding through the results discovered from the knowledge and experiment of the degree. Thus giving them the reality of lyfe measured through this method of reasoning. 
The KNOWLEDGE degree of the Supreme Mathematics I received from my enlightener, Sincere Build Empirical Allah, is as follows:
The First step was for me to memorize the degree and study (research) to verify if the Sun was actually the "foundation of our solar system". Which we know it is from science class in elementary school. B.u.t growing up in a household without a male present, I could not verify if the Blackman is the foundation of his family through my own past experience, so I had to go a former friend's, Jamal Watson/Clemens, youth to see that indeed the Blackman is the foundation of his family. Because not only did Jamal have his father, C.J. present in his youthful lyfe, Jamal also became the foundation of his three seeds and wife when he became of age. Next I had came up with my own educated guesses as to how this degree related to self: I am a Blackman, and I can be the solid structure upon which my family can build. Now I-King needed to experiment with this notion, so I began to pay very close attention to everything and everyone around me. Please keep in mind that at this point of my lyfe I was incarcerated and had no relatives around me, so I had to substitute "family" with "associates" - and guess what! It worked: I became the foundation of the "family" I had constructed in Noble Correctional Institution in Caldwell, Ohio. B.u.t more importantly, some years later I met the love of my lyfe, BLACK QUEEN SENTIENT EARTH, and she became my family. Once again I experimented with this ideology of the Blackman being the foundation of his family, and of course I once again became the foundation of my family, b.u.t this time it was much more easier than with those dudes I was with at Noble. 

Attention (&)

Today's mathematics is Wise Wisdom by Black King Lyfe Allah

Today's mathematics is Wise Wisdom, which borns Culture/Freedom. Within the Supreme Alphabets this degree says: "Victory is to show one's culture, I.S.L.A.M. by teaching one's Nation. This is the only way to be victorious over the Devil in his attempts to keep our people illiterate (blind, deaf and dumb)." 
To "show" is to reveal, or demonstrate. Therefore, one "reveals" or "demonstrates" their way of lyfe, I.S.L.A.M. by "TEACHING" one's Nation. What does it mean to teach? Well, to "teach" is to impart knowledge and/or skill to, instruct, or to cause to learn by example or experience. So, when you reveal or demonstrate your way of lyfe, I.S.L.A.M., through the methods of "imparting knowledge and/or skill to", "instructing", or "causing to learn by example or experience" to your Nation ... this is VICTORY. This is the ONLY WAY to be victorious over the Devil in his attempts to keep our people illiterate. I WOULD HAVE TO DISAGREE WITH THIS! 
Why? Because, what Nation is being spoken of here? The Nation of Gods and Earths, or the Original Nation (Black people)? If it is the Nation of Gods and Earths: That is only a part of the five percent of civilized individuals that know and teach the truth. So it could not make us VICTORIOUS in our quest to dwarf the Devil's attempts to keep our people blind, deaf and dumb. What about the eighty five percent of people that the Devil has in his grasp? 
Okay, so some of you wise elevators may be saying that it is the Nation of Original people. If this is the case, just because you teach your Nation, does not mean that they will adhere to these teachings. How many of our parents taught us to say no to drugs, yet and still we went out and sold and/or did drugs? Look at the legend of Yakub; he did not build prison houses to imprison his followers. For every law they broke, the penalty was death. Despite what he taught them, he knew there would be those that would rebel against his orders/teachings. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO BE VICTORIOUS OVER THE DEVIL!
Thus, I-King think in order to be successful in defeating the Devil in his attempts to keep our people illiterate we must either civilize ALL people, and/or slay the Devil(s)! That is where our "successful struggle against" (VICTORY) the Devil will come from. There are many ways to be victorious over the Devil in his attempts to keep our people in triple stages of darkness. So I-King ask you to add on by sharing your thoughts, opinions and ideas on ways to achieve this goal. Peace. 

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Magnificent Infinite King Allah---P.R.T

Peace to the 7's & 6's in this poor part of the planet Earth. This Build was initially drawn up by I in connection to a question that was posed to one of our Righteous Brothers in the Culture. My will and Desire is to share my Knowledge through my Wisdom to bring forth a Supreme Understanding with all of my human families concerning said question.

Ques. Can you get us some scientific facts on the different germs? Ans. Y Equals Self.


Before going any further, I feel that it is important to define a few words in relation to the word germ and how eye Cee these words as well as how they relate to the 30 degree of the Lost-Found Muslim No.2 of the NGE. After doing some research I discovered that there is only one ACTUAL germ, inside of which there exists the ABILITY to form two. The word germ comes from the Latin word germen which means bud. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a germ as: Germ- n. 1). A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop. 2). The EARLIEST FORM of an ORGANISM; a seed, bud or spore. 3). A microorganism, esp. a pathogen. 4). Something that may serve as THE BASIS of further growth & development.

Gene is defined as: Gene- n. A hereditary unit that occupies a specific location on a chromosome, determines a particular characteristic in an organism, and can undergo mutation.

Eugenics is defined as: Eugenics- n. The STUDY of HEREDITARY IMPROVEMENT of the human RACE by controlled selective breeding.

And lastly, Genesis is defined as: Genesis- n. The ORIGIN of something.

The 30 degree asks: Tell us what and how the devil is made? Answer in part: The devil is made from the Original People by grafting and separating the germs. In the Black Man's body there exists two germs, one a Black germ and one a brown germ. Yakub with his laws on birth control separated the brown germ from the Black germ and grafted into white germ, after destroying the Black germ...

This separation/grafting of the germs was done only through the process of CONTROLLED SELECTIVE BREEDING. (Cee Eugenics def.) In the bible in the book of Genesis 30:32-42, it speaks of Jacob (Yakub) separating the germs, b.u.t this separating is shrouded in symbolism to hide the true meaning from the seeker. Verses 32-42 states in pertinent part: I will pass through all thy flock today, removing from thence all the speckled and spotted cattle, and all the BROWN cattle among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats: and such shall be my hire... And he removed that day the HE GOATS that were ringstraked and spotted, and all the SHE GOATS that were speckled and spotted, and every one THAT HAD SOME WHITE IN IT, and all the brown among the sheep... And Jacob (Yakub) took him rods of green poplar, and of the HAZEL and CHESTNUT tree, and pilled white strakes in them, AND MADE THE WHITE APPEAR WHICH WAS IN THE RODS... And Jacob (Yakub) did separate the lambs, and set the faces of the flock toward the ringstraked, and all the brown in the flock of Laban; and he put his flock by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle... But when the cattle were feeble, he put them not in...

The cattle, lambs, spotted and speckled sheep etc., are all used here symbolically to refer to people. In the Bible even the Prophet Jesus is referenced to as the LAMB of God. This was the process of separating or grafting the germs taking place that gave birth to the devil or Caucasian white man. Understanding (3) the Cipher (0), or Understanding Self enabled Jacob (Yakub) to separate/segregate the 'sheep' or 'cattle' by isolating then manipulating the germs (organisms) that determine hereditary development, this is the science of anatomy which deals with biology, chemistry, etc. By targeting or determining the hereditary unit that occupied the specific location on the chromosome, the particular characteristic within the hue-man organism of the Original People began to undergo a PHYSICAL MUTATION (Cee def. of gene). You Cee, it is important to Understand that all of these things----germs, genes, genesis, and eugenics are all important to and interrelated to one another and their ensuing functions. They are vital to the importance that germs play in the development of Man because they not only show and prove through the dominant Black germ how Black People are the Original People of the Planet Earth (1st degree of What We Teach), or how Black People are the Fathers and Mothers of Civilization (2nd degree of What We Teach) through carbon dating of ancient pre-historic fossils like Zinjanthropus Boise, b.u.t. it also allows the Original People, who have been lost from home for 379 plus years, to Understand the Cipher of Self, as Jacob of the Bible did, the relationship of the Self to the Whole, as well as how the Science of Supreme Mathematics (3rd degree of What We Teach) gave birth to all of the sciences that deal with growth and development of Man AND 'mankind', i.e. anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, astrology, astronomy, etc.

Esoterically, 'germs' can be viewed symbolically in relation to one's state of mind or being. 'In the Black Man's body there exists two germs', which can be seen as the DUALITY in Man. One a Black germ (the higher/positive aspect of Self), and one a brown germ (the lower/negative aspect of Self). By destroying our livelihood through false ideas and concepts (pins and needles) instituted in our brains at least 6000 years ago through our interaction with MANKIND, our 'Black germs,' or (positive/higher) mind states, slowly gave way to our lesser 'brown germs,' or (negative/lower) mind states. After studying and learning to do like the unoriginal man, our 'germs' or mind states became more and more grafted until we were no longer operating in the realm known in the Kemetic Science as Amen. (*Amen according to Kemetic Science is the highest state of consciousness that one can attain where you are functioning in a state of pure Divinity. (Cee Cosmologics and the Metu Neter by: Ra Un Nefer Amen), b.u.t. we were operating instead in our most weakest/recessive state of mind or being. Yakub (Jacob) with his laws on birth control separated the brown germ from the Black germ and grafted into white germ after destroying the Black germ. Destroy means: 1). To ruin completely. 2). To tear down; demolish. 3). To kill. The very ESSENCE or nature of the Original People was destroyed, ruined, torn down, demolished, and killed by the grafting of the Black germ, or mind state, into a weak, white, recessive germ, all in an effort to bring into existence a kind of man opposite God. White means to be devoid of something, right? Take for example, these sheets of paper. Without the words that are typed on them, it would be devoid of substance! All that would be left is something not written on, blank, def. #4 of white---American Heritage Dictionary. The uncivilized ways and actions that we learned to display first began in the mind, then was passed on hereditarily through the genes by the process of eugenics. BEFORE the physical separating & grafting of the Original People took place there had to first be a separating & grafting of the Original People's, what? MINDS! Why? Because all things must first start in the mind, for all things are Mental. (Cee Self Mastery Series: 7 Universal Laws-Law of Mentalism).

Next, the characteristics being looked for was located and isolated during the grafting process to bring about the desired effect. In the developmental stage of the embryo, the cells of the inner cell mass become organized into a flattened disk, which consists of two layers, an outer ectoderm & an inner endoderm. A short time afterwards, a third layer forms between the previous two called the mesoderm. These three layers of cells are called the PRIMARY GERM LAYERS, and they are responsible for forming all the body organs INCLUDING the brain inside of which the mind is housed. More specifically, ectoderm cells give rise to the nervous system, portions of special sensory organs, the epidermis, hair, nails, glands of the skin, and linings of the mouth and anal cavity. Mesodermal cells form all types of muscle tissue, bone tissue, bone marrow, BLOOD, BLOOD VESSELS, lymphatic vessels, various connective tissues, internal REPRODUCTIVE organs, kidneys, and the epithelial linings of the body cavities. Endodermal cells produce the epithelial linings of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary bladder, and urethra. (From Human Anatomy & Physiology 6th Edition by John W. Hole Jr.). Mind you, this is all occurring during the embryonic stage. With the proper Knowledge of this process, one can begin to manipulate the germ layers to target a specific location on a chromosome and the particular characteristic desired and begin to transform or mutate it into an entirely new organism! Just look around, the proof is in the pudding.

Yakub was the wisest scientist of his time, thus being of a dissatisfied nature, he embarked to undertake the process of genetic mutation through germ/gene manipulation, by separating the brown germ from the Black germ and grafted it into white germ after destroying the Black germ, both mentally and physically.

30 degree cont... After following this process for 600 years the germ became white and weak and was no more original. Also by thinning the Original Man's BLOOD it too became weak and wicked and was no longer the same. Thus, this is what and how the devil was made.

Peace to my Brothers and Sisters in the struggle striving for Freedom, Justice, and Equality in an effort to add to the God Nation's Cipher. I depart 21R mental in everlasting Love, Peace, and Happiness. Until next we Build...

Wisdom [2] Born [9] all being born to Knowledge [1] Knowledge [1] all being born to Wisdom.[2]

Peace True and livings ... This rotation is Wisdom [2] Born [9] all being born to Knowledge [1] Knowledge [1] all being born to Wisdom.[2] Being swift and changeable in one’s ways and actions. How one maneuver through he sciences of lyfe. [Wisdom] To be mentally and physically brought into existence [Born] Conscious awareness [Knowledge] Truths facts and realities [Knowledge] Receiver of truths [Wisdom] How I apply this … As [Wisdom] Black Queen Sentient Earth I have the ability to move in a fashion though either abstract and/or concrete, my ways and actions are shown and proven swiftly through what I have investigated and experimented with. I Sentient move in currents meaning sometimes I Sentient may have to consciously and changeably move with or against a current[s], step back and observe or show and prove my understanding. In order to be wise one must apply the knowledge. Wisdom can be both received and given. Either aspect determines one's level of awareness.How I receive and give Wisdom is solely based on how I run it through from Knowledge to Born both on the investigative level [Receiving the Wisdom] and the experimentation [Giving the wisdom] The foundation of both and where I begin is Knowledge. Wisdom (2) Born (9) alphabetically is expressed as Black. Black being the first part of my righteous attribute. When you cee the word Black it can be perceived negatively by most positively by some. Black in reference to my righteous attribute is expressed alphabetically [29]. The attribute Black is Wisdom Born. Wisdom is the manifestation of one's conscious awareness of how it is applied to maneuver through lyfe. Born is mentally dealing in reality, what you mentally create with facts and truths by properly going from knowledge to born. Black is revealing your wisdom in order to create realities for self and all lyfe around you. Black is also the dominant energy that attracts and absorbs energy. Peace ~ Black Queen Sentient Earth

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

By Black King Lyfe Allah

S]ometimes [E]fficent [P]lanning [T]akes

KNOWLEDGE (1) Of Which Is The WISEST (2)
ABILITIES (5) One Possesses To Produce 
COMPLETION (0) Of Their Goals-by Black King Lyfe Allah

I cee today's mathematics as the science of planning. First of all one must do the Knowledge to their desires/goals, and then apply the proper Wisdom to achieve said desires/goals. Which will most likely produce the Fruit (Understanding - knowledge and wisdom is all being born to understanding). Looking at the knowledge wisdom degree in the King's Culture lesson (1-14's), we notice how this science is supported. The degree asks: What is the meaning of F.O.I.? FRUIT of I.S.L.A.M. - This is the product of one taking control of their lyfe and utilizing their abilities to bring into existence any and everything they desire and work towards. Shall we break it down so that it is easier to teach? Good, let us build, and possibly destroy!
I.S.L.A.M. is an acronym that expounds on the true culture of Original people: [I] [S]elf [L]ord [A]m [M]aster, or [I] [S]incerely [L]ove [A]llah's [M]athematics, or [I] [S]tudy [L]yfe [A]round [M]e. Then we have "fruit", which is the "result" or "outcome" of efforts put forth. Thus, the Fruit of I.S.L.A.M is the results or outcome of doing the knowledge to one's cipher and applying said knowledge to any given science of lyfe that one desires to enhance, understand, or destroy. 
This is something that the Devil will never teach you, because he desires to make slaves out of all he can, so he can rob you all and live in luxury (12:40). In other words, those that are against righteousness (the "right" and "wise" way of lyfe) will not show you how to put your energies into something that is conducive to prosperity, because if you were to become self sufficent, the Devil could not utilize your labor and studies to produce for him/her (slavery). Nor would they be able to take anything from you (robbery) when you study lyfe around you and realize that some come amongst you just to cause trouble. Leaving the Devil on the poor (lacking) part of any cipher ... No luxuries for heeem! 
So, in essence people: today shows and proves to me that I-King must always be doing the knowledge and planning accordingly, if I want to produce the results I deem appropriate within any cipher I-King place self in. For self, I know one of my greastest talents is writing, thus I wisely utilize this skill (ability) to complete my goal of teaching the masses through these cyber ciphers. Also, I use it to connect with like minded (alikes and others) individuals I-King can build with. 


By Black Queen Sentient Earth

"Peace and blessings good morning ... Never let the behavior of others destroy your existence and how you exist. When you knowledge self and see that you are nothing that is wisdom. If you knowledge self and you see everything that is love and understanding. Between the two is your lyfe evolving. Mindful living is the most effective. A good mental and a good emotional is always a challenging combination. One without the other is instability. If you allow your experience and your emotional to be your main educator checked by your reasoning you will empower yourself to find new meaning for your lyfe. If you know yourself, looking objectively willingly that’s a great start since we all have many things in common. Wisdom is intellectual. It leads to an understanding beyond words. You can discover it and live by it. Born universal truth someone without the same insight may think you are foolish if you strive to express why." ~ Black Queen Sentient Earth

Friday, July 24, 2015

Soul Sister by Richard Wilson

Men greater than myself have given me the edge and answer to this question:
Perhaps it goes unnoticed by most men that women are more in touch with their feelings, their body and their emotions in ways men rarely imagine. Her breath, her heartbeat, her hair, the food she eats and everything that is her. By comparison men's sensations are vague and muffled. That women are so in tune, so aware of their physical self, reflects how perceptive they are and how their every move is suggestive. I know her abnormal sensitivity allows her body to exist more for her than my body does for me. Men are hardly aware of possessing their body except in extreme pleasure or pain. Standing in between two worlds, the physical and the spiritual, there is a part of myself that I identify as "I". The "I" acts as a conduit allowing these separate worlds to interact with each other. For men, this interaction is completely mechanical, but women are always having their attention claimed by the surrealness of what's happening inside of themselves. She is always aware of her body as that which stands between her and the rest of the world. She is always in the habit of noticing, and for all of herself that she gives away to men, it still remains that her body is the closest object to her. A miracle would be if I could move her closer to me. The definition of miracle to me is different than that of magic, because it presents in a world of cause and effect a radical sense of being united against the logic of which weapons of thought are shattered and manifest unexplainable phenomenoms. Whereas magic employs forces that are hidden, but can be explained away without the sudden cease of rational thinking. For so long woman has lived in man's shadow becoming just as much as his past as he is. I wonder if you will ever move from that past, and coming from that past will you be able to project yourself in openness towards your future and understand your true importance? The truth of what attracts me to you is not just because you are in possession of a woman's body, but because your body is my SOUL!!!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Black Lives Matter by Black King Lyfe Allah

Within the last few moons all across Amerikkka there were these signs that stated "Black Lives Matter". These signs are in response to the blantant murder of Blackmen by police. The latest death of an unarmed Blackman, Freddy Gray, in Baltimore, Maryland, has resulted looting of stores and rocks being thrown at officers. Now some people say that response is an official reaction to the death of the brother. IT IS NOT! The individuals responsible for the death of Freddy Gray did not suffer in any way from this rock throwing or looting. Thus, there was no JUSTICE served. 
Even with the protesting all across Amerikkka, this is not doing ANYTHING to bring about justice for the deaths of the many Blackmen being killed by the cops. Nor is it preventing other Original men from death by hand of police (hence Freddy Gray). So I ask all you people with these "Black Lives Matter" signs: TO WHOM? 
Now please do not get it twisted, I am not insensitive to the issue of our brothers (& sisters) being caught up in the web of slavery, suffering and death ... Especially by hand of those that are suppose to protect, according to their job description. I am neither advocating that we do nothing about these problems. No, not at all! 
My question of to whom does Black Lives Matter is geared to get YOU (those protesting and looting) to think about who truly care about our lives. Yes, that is right ... US! Black Lives Matter to Black lives! So, what is looting, rioting, throwing rocks, protesting, et cetera doing to help our cause of survival? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Look at the brother, Michael Brown's, situation in Ferguson, Missourri ... All the violence exhibited there did not prevent the cops from killing any other Blackm the protest after protest after protest all across Amerikkka. 
I trust you are asking me what IS the solution. Well, according to my understanding, we need to educate self (in the collective sense), and place our self in the positions of power. Who is teaching your child, and what is your child being taught? Do you really know? Or do you just send them off to school, after school programs, sporting activities, et cetera and "hope" that they come out alright? Do their lives matter? Then why not do everything in your power to ensure the longevity of these lives? 
By education I mean the process of properly teaching them all that they will need to know to survive in the wilderness of North Amerikkka, as Blackmen and Blackwomen. This includes the knowledge of their true history (when we were great as a people), academics, vocational training, the law of the land (and world), economics, et cetera. 
This education should not start when we are being lynched in the streets of our communities (because that is what is happening - just as the law is killing us now, and getting away with it - the law use to hang us on trees and get away with it). It should begin before this tragedy. By waiting until it affects you personally is like a prisoner waiting until he is home to decide what he is going to do as a member of society, as oppose to planning the entire time he was incarcerated. Or like one of you waiting until you become HIV positive before you decide to take the appropriate precautions. It is just foolish people. So sit with your family (especially the males) and speak to them about the reality of possibly being lynched in the streets of ghetto Amerikkka. Because BLACK LIVES DO MATTER!
Also, for the lyfe of us all, please do not look to the same ones that are murdering us for any relief or aid! They will continue to only assist their own kind. As we should, and not just by walking in the streets, stopping traffic, to carry signs and chant. No, by doing something more productive and/or preventative. NOTE: To all you brothers and sisters that think violence (in the form of killing, beating, destroying, or hurting other people [especially those responsible for our deaths] or property) is the answer ... With what army are you going to do that with. Because these folks that have the ability to lynch us and get away with it in 2015, also have access to a military force compared to none other. So I suggest you hold off on that idea until you have an outfit qualified to take on such power. And to those "gangstas" with the weaponry of a small army: Are you willing to also kill those that you are suppose to be fighting for? Because these are going to be the one that come to court and testify against you. Therefore, the first step to fighting this war, on any level, is education. The people must be educated before the warriors can go to war. Think about that!

Peace ... I love you Black people!

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Powerful Easter by Black King Lyfe Allah

Today's Mathematics is Power, and today also happens to be Easter. Which is the celebration of Jesus resurrecting from the dead. Now, those of you that know me, realize I live to build on things like this. So, shall we begin? Let's get it! 
Power is the mathematical principle associated with the number five. When I travel through my 120 Lessons I see that the Knowledge God degree of the Nation's Cipher lesson (1-40's) has power (five) elements that must be acquired in order for one to have civilization:
Now once one possess these principles of universal existence, & is NOT a savage in the pursuit of happiness, it is said they have civilization. Many Christians are celebrating the science of civilization without any knowledge or understanding of this reality. You cee, Jesus DID NOT physically rise from the dead, that is an IMPOSSIBLE feat. However, with understanding one may come to the realization of this biblical allegorical story. Jesus is within us, because Jesus is the personification of Freedom, Justice & Equality. Meaning we all have the potential to free our domes (Freedom), be just in our ways & actions (Justice), as well as bring about a balance in our lives (Equality). However, growing up within the Devil's uncivilization for so long, we have (figuretively) killed & buried Jesus (our ability to think freely, be fair, and equalize our ciphers). Which have made us an uncivilized people. 
For us to return to our state of civilization, we must first attain the true Knowledge of who/what God is. Only then can we Knowledge every aspect of our universe(s), be Wise in our application of said knowledge, born an Understanding of what is really going on around us, live out a Culture of righteous in accordance to what is needed within our circumference, and Refine all elements necessary. Thus eliminating the potential of being a savage in the pursuit of happiness.
This my brothers & sisters, is the science of resurrecting Jesus. So basicly go out to the truthbury (library - where the truth is buried) and begin your journey of civilization by doing the knowledge to God, self & all things in existence. That is how you attain your Power (ability or strength), because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - With knowledge, one has the ability, or strength, to manifest this knowledge. Thus, once you know the reality of God, self & everything within your universe, you will possess the ability, or strength, to resurrect Jesus within your lyfe.

Then you will really be Fly for Easter. ; / ) Peace to man, woman & child.

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Friday, April 3, 2015

Homophobia by Black King Lyfe Allah

In the media these days, they (the powers that be - 10%) would like us to think that there is something wrong with being against homosexuality. Some homosexuals have even attempted to equate it to the Civil Rights Movement, in which Blacks were seeking equal rights. Or the Feminist Movement, where females were striving to obtain equality. There is no comparison in my mind. Because the Blackman in the Original man; he was here before the white man, & he is a xenophilic creature ... meaning he is open to & encourages relationships (not necessarily intimate ones) with others outside of their ethnicity. Go look the word up (xenophilia). Being xenophilia is the innate, natural way of the Black people of the planet Earth. 
Women on the other hand, are the counterpart to men. Without these wonderful creatures, none of us would be here today. So I say all that to say this: Both the Blackman's & women's struggle for equality is justified in my opinion. Both fights can be accepted because of the natural facts associated with each group. There is NOTHING natural about having sex with someone that has the same equipment as you. It is even written in the same book these 10%ers strive to beat us in the head with; the Bible. [Read the following scriptures: Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26 & 27; 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 10; & Jude 7] 
Yet & still we have the media bombarding us with images, messages & ideologies of homosexuality. Look at who has become the new "Oprah" of day time talk shows: Ellen; an open homosexual that gives gifts away to other women all the time. She even has the support of the real Oprah. I have never watched an episode of Ellen & seen her give anything to a man. A boy, yes. A grown ass man, No! Have you? (Maybe you seen an episode I did not.) What is this teaching our children, subconsciously? 
What would you say is the best new show on television right now, although it is not currently in season (which you can not wait for it to come back into season)? That's right ... EMPIRE! Now, another question: Do you despise Luscious for treating Jamal the way he did & does (& were you not surprised when he left the reins to Jamal)? So in essence you are feeling sorry for a homo, right? You probably on team Cookie too, talking about how "gangsta" she is ... B.u.t GANGSTAS DON'T SNITCH (under ANY circumstances)!!! 
Back to the build & destroy: Damn near every show on television has it's homosexual element to it. Empire started us off with it's element. Others have slowly b.u.t surely slid it in there (no pun intended). So I ask you, are you disgusted with me because of this essay? If so, then you either a homo, confused, or curious (on the verge of being homo). B.u.t you should build with me before you judge me, or how I cee this topic. For example: Do you realize that I do not have a problem with the people that partake in this activity (per se), my grievance is the activity in itself is UNNATURAL!! It does nothing b.u.t satisfy one's lowest desires (commonly called urges)! It does not produce any lyfe, because Allah did not design it in that fashion. The "lyfe" that one may think it produce (i.e. relationships, families, et cetera) is simply prolonged death. 
What's that you said: Oh, what if two women wanted to have sexual relations in front of me, would I not get excited? Probably so, because I personally have not reached my highest plateau. However, I realize this reality about self. Also, I will assure you this though: I will not encourage the act of two homo women having relations (in my presence or not). Even though I will not look away if I happen to see it on television. 
Y'all trying to get me in trouble with my Earth, I'm ghost. B.u.t before I go, allow me to say this: I had no intentions to offend anyone. To each is own. I simply wanted to start discussions about the resources & objective of the 10%ers, through the science of homosexuality. So PLEASE, get to building & destroying with those you love, ESPECIALLY YOUR CHILDREN!! Peace. 

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Friday, January 30, 2015


Peace to Man, Woman & Child,

Today's mathematics is Power/Refinement. I cee that as the answer to the debate of the other day here on this page: Do wise elevators teach savages? It has been brought to my attention that one of our family members has an understanding that we do not teach the savages. By teaching a person civilization, righteousness, knowledge of self, the science of everything in lyfe - love, peace & happiness ... is to bless said person with the ability (power) to better self, their family, community, & nation. Through the process of discipline (refinement). 
So, do we teach the savages? Well, what is meant by the word "teach"? If it is to make knowledge born through sharing your thoughts, opinions & ideas via your words, methods & activities ... I say cool! Born universal truth (b.u.t) if we are speaking of the process of enlightening another, well, then the dynamics change. How so? Because I will not enlighten "anyone", everyone is not qualified to become teachers of teachers. For example: Should a he(r) cipher monkey cipher (homo) asked me to enlighten them, I will say emphatically now cipher (Hell no)!
What is the difference? By teaching, I am simply making knowledge born to the truths of the universe. B.u.t by enlightening, I-King am borning another that will be responsible for the rest of the uncivilized (blind, deaf & dumb - those that are easily led in the wrong direction, & hard to be led in the right direction). I do not want to give just anyone that kind of POWER. Actually, I am only comfortable blessing those that show & prove to be serious about the process of REFINEMENT. 
We must always be aware of the fact that we are dealing with high explosives ... & who do we want to past these explosives on to? A he(r) cipher monkey cipher? Or anyone that will not take the time to be careful when utilizing these high explosives? Emphatically now cipher!!!! Why did Musa have a hard time civilizing the Devil? Because he tried to enlighten them first, then he had to return home & receive more education. This is explained in the bible when he says to God that he does not think he is qualified to deliver his people. B.u.t once he went back, he did not strive to enlighten the Devils, he simply taught them how to live a respectable lyfe, how to build a home for themselves, & some of the forgotten tricknowledge that Yakub had taught them. When enlightening a person, do we teach them tricknowledge? Do you cee me?
Now, we also know that we are to teach "all the human families of the planet Earth". I want to present a thought for everyone: What if Father Allah did not teach any savages? Would we be on this page right now? Would we be representing the power point star, cresent moon, God, or eight point star? Would we be saying Peace to all that we come in time with? Would we call ourselves Gods, Earths, righteous, or civilized? Please think about this. If there is anything you do not understand, holla at me & let us elevate on positively. 
I have one more issue to address: Why did Father Allah bless us with the Supreme Mathematics? So we are better equipped to manuever through the universe. What is another name for the mathematics? "LIVING MATHEMATICS". They are referred to as such because once you master your mathematics, you are expected to live them out. SO WHY ARE WE NOT APPLYING THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE (KNOWLEDGE), SO WE MAY KNOW EVERY SQUARE INCH (THINK "RULER": THE MEASURING TOOL & ONE THAT GOVERNS) & KEEP THE BEST PART FOR SELF & REFUSE TO FOCUS ON THE POOR PART? 
Do you realize that whenever we sit in these chat groups & "right fight" one another, we are possibly discouraging potential future master builders from coming amongst us ... the ones that say we are RIGHTEOUS (righteous=right & wise)? I personally know of one Earth that has ceased her Facebook interaction due to this, & there are a few others that are zygotes that have considered not continuing their interaction with us. This is just a suggestion: As oppose to right fighting each other, why not 21? What the hell is that you ask? WHEN U-N-I-VERSE WE BRING ABOUT A MORE GLORIOUS & HIGHER ELEVATION OF UNDERSTANDING!!!!!!! Think about it people. We need more productive members amongst us, not petty keyboard gangstas. Learn, knowledge, study, be wise, understand & LIVE FOR THE BABIES! 

Your True & Living Servant & Representative,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

There has been a lot of talk about this recent decision to not indict the pig that murdered Mark Brown, Derrick Wilson. Most of the dudes around me have been speaking about how violent they would have responded, yet they are absolutely quiet when the opportunity to resist administration within the confines of this poor part. Now I am not an advocate of resorting to violence as an intitial option. I think that should be a finally consideration, when all else fails. However, I do understand our people's state of mind in Missouri. How many of our people must die before we come to the realization that an original person's lyfe is worthless to the Dodecaneses (Caucasians/white folks)? Also, how many lives must we sacrifice before we learn the valuable lesson of unity from these Dodecaneses? 
Please do not get it twisted, I understand the thoughts & feelings of so many of our people, b.u.t actually >>> WHAT DID YOU ALL EXPECT? Really! Did we actually think they would indict this clown, Zimmerman, who was NOT protected by the great BLUE WALL of pigs, slipped away from prosecution? When he murdered the brother Trayvon Martin, after the 911 dispatcher told him to NOT follow Trayvon, instead allow the pigs that were on the way to handle it. 
Did we really think that these white folks would allow one of their own to take the fall when the first thing they did to justify the senseless killing of Mark Brown was "reveal" that he got into an altercation at the store. When they left his body in the streets for over four hours while they schemed & plotted on how they would handle this tradegy. When they contiuously disrespect the lives of Black people everywhere in Amerikkka. 
I trust many of you are wondering what I suggest we do, or have done. Well, I can not give you my deepest desires, due to this internet being monitored. B.u.t I will say this: We spend OVER ONE POINT FIVE BILLION DOLLARS annually!!! That is BILLION with a "B"!!! Imagine if we were to utilize that money within our own communities, as oppose to giving it to these Dodecaneses. We are quick to purchase all these white owned company products & services ... Yet we ignore our own peoples' products & services. However, in order for that to happen, we must first unite as one unit! This is why Derrick Wilson is still free without worry of prosecution for murder ... Because him & his people move as an unit. Not only is he white, b.u.t then he is a part of the biggest gang in the western world: PIGS! Many of us do not like pigs, & for good reason, b.u.t we can learn from them. I always say: "One should respect their enemy. Because if their enemy is not worthy of respect, then how are they worthy of being one's enemy"? I respect the code of silence & unity displayed by the pigs all across the United Snakes of Amerikkka. Should we as Black people did some of the things that the pigs did, like keep our business amongst ourselves, & unconditionally support one another, we would be the power house that we meant to be. 
B.u.t back to my suggestion of Economical Boycott. Look at how the Bus Boycott of our past affected the white business of transportation. Now apply that to everything white owned!!! It will cripple the Amerikkkan government, as well as this westernized capitalist structure. B.u.t at the same time, being that our billion plus will not be put into the pockets & accounts of those that do not value our lives, we will be spending this gold within our very own communities. Therefore, it will empower us as a nation. 
When given the opportunity, discuss this subject with your fellow original people. Of course the main excuse you will hear stems from our lack of trust & lack of education. Many will say: "I am not giving my hard earned money to someone I don't know, so they can go off & live in luxury"! I respect that, b.u.t what about the eighty five percent of our people that give ten percent of their "hard earned money" to preachers that they do not know? No, they do not "KNOW" them. They know what these preachers reveal to the people, b.u.t they do not know these "spiritual leaders" personally. Actually, many of them don't live in the same hoods that we do! They live in beautiful neighborhoods, (Notice: neighborhoods vs hoods >>> What is the difference between the two?) which your money probably pays for. 
Then you will hear: "What are we suppose to do once we gather all this money"? I know & understand that this proposal is not going to be able to prosper within the next year or two, or five, or even a decade. However, the commencement & education (to the children) of this plan is the purpose of our current society. Sending our seeds to our own schools to become educated in the sciences necessary to implement this plan. 
B.u.t my beloved people, NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT UNITY ... FIRST!!! So basicly, until we stop being afraid of our own children, & educate them accordingly to our desire of them being leaders of the future, as oppose to victims & wards of the state ... Or until we stop being selfish individuals ... Or until we stop making excuses for why we don't reach for goals beyond our parents ... Or until we stop allowing others outside of our nation to raise our children ... Or until we stop killing each other (senselessly) ... We will continue to be murdered by those that hate us. Yes people, they HATE YOU!!! Why do you think they continue to KILL YOU & YOUR BABIES?!?!?!? Think about that! 
Oh yeah, please stop PROTESTING whenever they murder one of ours. All that does is inform the world that you disagree with what is transpiring. It does not prevent them from MURDERING our children! The way I figure it, if we can come together & "protest" (despite what inconvience we cause with said protests), then we can unite & do something much more powerful. Think on that too! 
Peace my beloved original people. Please discuss this amongst yourselves & take it seriously. Because if the roles were reversed, trust & know these white folks would be out for blood. Remember Emmit Till? Or do you need a more contemporary example? Look at the new found war on bullying. Bullying has been going on for eons, b.u.t now that little white kids are being victimized, it is a problem. Or look at this herion epidemic, when it was killing only Black people in the ghetto of Amerikkka, it was not a problem. Now that little Becky is cleaning out her parents accounts & overdosing, all of a sudden it is an "EPIDEMIC"!!! Do the knowledge, think, study, think some more, & build with one another. When U-N-I-VERSE ... we get to the best part! 

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452

Peace & Blessings to Man, Woman, & Child,

Peace & Blessings to Man, Woman, & Child,

Today's mathematics is Wisdom Build/Destroy, all being born to Knowledge cipher, which brings into existence Knowledge. I mentally grasps that as the way one builds &/or destroys determines the foundation of their environment. Which is the first thing others notice about them (& their circumference). To show & prove my third, look at the reality of the "Maury Show". We all know that their "program" is about DNA testing, & we know this due to that science being the basis of the program. So now whenever one desires to find out if they are related to another, they know they can call the show & set up appointments to see if their story will make the cut. The same way dudes in here know what I am (a righteous/civilized person), even if they do not know who I am. Because, I move (wisdom) in a fashion that shows I do not tolerate ignorance, nonsense, or stupidity (destroy), yet I do encourage progressive & constructive dialogue/behavior (build). Thus this is the root (knowledge) of my circumference (cipher), allowing others to realize (knowledge) my reality. 
Now I encourage you to get at me & share your third on this science. I look forward to any & all add ons to my energy. Or whatever subtraction that one may deem necessary. Peace.

The True & Living Sun Of Man,
Black King Lyfe Allah-452



By Black King Lyfe Allah